The New Wife

The New Wife by Karen Clarke and Amanda Brittany

Release: November 29th 2022
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Joffe 
Source: Zooloo’s Book Tours
Find it at: Goodreads, Amazon, Kindle



The people you trust are the people who hurt you the most.
Nell Cosgrove is the new wife who got it all. She married her handsome, wealthy boss within six months of meeting him. They live in a beautiful riverside home. She has a flourishing career. The only problem is her two stepdaughters, Ruby and Poppy, who are fiercely loyal to their mother, and reject all her overtures. But now everything is falling apart. Nell’s marriage is starting to crack. Her husband spends more and more time away on business.
She gets creepy text messages from an unknown admirer. He sends mysterious bouquets of flowers to her office. She starts making mistakes at work. Everything Nell thought she knew about her marriage and her new life is about to be
turned upside down.

About the Authors:

The New Wife

Amanda lives in Hertfordshire with her husband and cute dog. When she’s not writing, she loves spending time with her family and friends, walking her dog, reading (her go-to is fictional crime and psychological thrillers) and she is far too keen on red velvet cake. She loves sunny days by the sea, and snowy days through the window of a cosy room. Amanda has raised over £8700 in ebook royalties for Cancer Research UK in memory of her sister. She is the author of six psychological crime thrillers, and co-writer of psychological suspense novels with author Karen Clarke.

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Karen is a multi-published author of romantic comedies and psychological suspense novels, as well as co-writing thrillers with Amanda Brittany. She lives in Buckinghamshire with her husband and three grown-up children and when she’s not writing, she reads (a lot), loves walking and taking pictures — the birds in her garden are probably the most photographed in the country.

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The New Wife Review:

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“The New Wife” is an intriguing psychological thriller about Nell and how her marriage to Oliver puts her life in danger as someone targets her.

Firstly, I enjoyed how the authors set up the plot. They don’t waste time initially with how Oliver meets Nell and how it impacts his marriage. The book begins with Nell already married Oliver for a while, and how his daughters, Ruby and Poppy, and ex-wife Fiona don’t like Nell in the picture. Throw in some other shady characters like Sean, who is obsessed with Ruby, and creepy moments like Nell noticing items shifting in her house and finding shredded dresses, and this book was quite entertaining. Initially, the story felt slightly over the place, but I adapted and enjoyed the pacing.

Moreover, I liked how the authors wrote the dynamic between Nell and Ruby. Both of them have their storylines and initially don’t get along with each other at all. But, unlike Poppy, Ruby has various layers, and you see her looking at the bigger picture and trying to bond with Nell. I also liked Poppy’s unpredictability and the storyline where she goes missing. Carla was another interesting character who unexpectedly added a nice mix when initially I thought she would be a backdrop.

Perhaps the only downside to the tale is how I could easily predict the culprit, as there are only a few suspects. However, the authors throw in red herrings even in the end, where you wonder if there are multiple suspects. The last few chapters are thoroughly gripping as a LOT happens.

Apart from that, I enjoyed reading “The New Wife,” which was a fun suspense thriller.

Book Tour Schedule

The New Wife

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the The New Wife by Karen Clarke and Amanda Brittany Blog Tour hosted by Zooloo’s Book Tours.

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