The Union by Leah Vernon

The Union

The Union by Leah Vernon

Release: December 1, 2022
Format: Paperback
Publisher:  47North
Source: JeanbookNerd Tours
Find it at: Goodreads, Amazon, Kindle,B&N



Under the rule of a tyrant,  there was a division of Americans  by race and class. Hate and inequality reigned. Hispanics and Blacks had no choice but to overthrow the government and exterminate the Caucasian “Europe” race. The few Europes who managed to survive are now classified as Lower Residents and treated as slaves to rebuild the New America—The Southern Region.

Sixteen-year-old Saige, whose parents broke the “purity clause”, pays for their mistake far after their publicized executions. As an Impure, she now must escape the tyranny and sneak over the Border to freedom. Avi’s chance to succeed her father as General, is conflicted by her loyalty to her authoritarian Elite family and her love for a Europe rebel. Leo, a Lower Resident worker who rebels believe God has sent, will lead them to salvation against the Union. These three teenage adversaries from different castes forcefully rely on one another to thwart a dictator’s plans for mass genocide.

And they’re about to start a revolution.

About the Author:

Leah Vernon is an international bombshell with a double masters in business and creative writing. Her name has been in high-profile campaigns such as Ugg “Feel You” and Fitbit’s “Feel Your Power”.

She’s the first visibly plus-size Hijabi influencer to hit the mainstream with over four million views combined. She’s also an author of The Union and Unashamed: Musings of a Fat, Black Muslim.

Leah V isn’t your regular influencer; She’s a disruptor, a trendsetter, and a changemaker in her perspective fields. She began her blogging journey back in 2013, when she fell deep into disordered eating and noticed that there was no one that looked like her that was considered “worthy” or “beautiful”. And, frankly, she was tired of sucking her stomach in around her skinny friends.

With a grainy android phone and clothes from the clearance racks, she began paving her own way through the fashion industry. She used her fat, Black, and unapologetic Muslim body as a rebellion. Beauty is NOT one size fits all. She moved to New York and began smashing glass ceilings. To date, she has worked with renowned brands like Target, Dove, and Amazon just to name a few.

After years of brands telling her she had no place in the fashion world, that she was not “marketable” enough, Leah V carved her own beauty standards.

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The Union Review:

“The Union” is a wonderful young adult, science fiction, dystopian about the cruel world between the Impure and the Elites, and I could not put it down.

The first aspect I liked about the tale is how the author included all the elements of the regular dystopian novel but also made the characters so enigmatic that they made it feel special. I loved Saige and Avi’s storylines and how the author toggled between the two. Both are strong, show immense bravery when faced with challenges, and are the tale’s highlight.

What also surprised me was how raw the author wrote some of the scenes. I got goosebumps seeing how cruel punishments Saige has to face while people like Avi and Jade lead privileged life because they are the elite. My heart went to Saige, and I was at the edge of my seat, wondering what would happen to her. Similarly, Avi’s storylines also intrigued me because of how different she is from the others, and she is not afraid to stand up and do what she feels is right.

The supporting cast also added nicely, and some of them were memorable. For instance, characters like Lox and Mama Seeya made the story stand out. Similarly, Head Gardner also gave me the chills, and I wondered how crueler the Union would get on Saige.

Moreover, the author immediately sets up the adrenaline. The few chapters dive into action and adventure as Saige gets arrested under pretenses. The author has a dynamic way of engaging you in the storyline and is now one of my favorite authors after this book.

Overall, “The Union ” is a great Young Adult Dystopian novel, and I highly recommend it!

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Book Tour Schedule

The Union

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on The Union by Leah Vernon Blog Tour hosted by JeanbookNerd Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!

5th December MONDAY JeanBookNerd INTERVIEW
6th December TUESDAY Lady Hawkeye EXCERPT
7th December WEDNESDAY Casia’s Corner REVIEW
7th December WEDNESDAY Mythical Books GUEST POST
8th December THURSDAY Crossroad Reviews REVIEW
8th December THURSDAY Sadie’s Spotlight EXCERPT
9th December FRIDAY J.R.’s Book Reviews REVIEW
10th December SATURDAY Honey Can Do It REVIEW
10th December SATURDAY Rajiv’s Reviews REVIEW
11th December SUNDAY TTC Books and More REVIEW

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