The Bride To Be

The Bride To Be by Daniel Hurst

Release: May 7, 2023
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Inkubator Books
Source: Zooloos Book Tours
Find it at: Goodreads, Amazon, Kindle



What if saying yes was only the first mistake?

Kate is getting married. It’s an exciting time, but she has some doubts – her partner Mark sometimes mistreats her, and she is beginning to wonder if he is really “the one”.

Her concerns only grow when she spots a ridiculously happy couple during a wedding dress fitting. Realising that they have everything she wants, she becomes obsessed with the pair.

She decides that the groom, Tristan, is her ideal man and becomes fixated on getting closer to him.  As she does, she discovers more and more about him and his seemingly perfect life with his bride-to-be, Tess.

And realises that below the surface they have their problems too.

As the wedding draws nearer, Kate has some big decisions to make.

Should she leave Mark?

Is Tristan the one she should really be with?

And what will happen when the dark secrets that both couples are hiding come out into the open?

The Bride To Be is an emotionally charged psychological thriller that’s packed with twists and intrigue.

About the Author:

Daniel Hurst writes psychological thrillers and loves to tell tales about unusual things happening to normal people. He has written all his life, making the progression from handing scribbled stories to his parents as a boy to writing full length novels in his thirties. He lives in the North West of England and when he isn’t writing, he is usually watching a game of football in a pub where his wife can’t find him.

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The Bride To Be Review:

“The Bride to Be” is a fun thriller I enjoyed reading on a lazy afternoon.

What’s nice about the story is that even though the book starts as a straightforward story of a woman marrying a man she is uncomfortable with, the author progresses it where you keep guessing what will happen. The book’s second half gets intense because there are shocking deaths you don’t expect, and you wonder what will happen to Kate and the others. I couldn’t put the book down in the second half because I wanted to know how the author would take the story.

Kate is fun in the lead, although she initially got on my nerves in the first half. I was surprised at how obsessed she became with the couple she knew nothing about and even followed them to the pub. I understood her motives but still found her weird for it. But she was much better in the second half. I loved her relationship with Molly. Similarly, Mark was creepy, and I never knew when he would snap and get back at Kate.

Moreover, I enjoyed how tech-savvy the author made the story. We see how characters use mobile phones, like hacking and installing spyware that could get them in trouble or start a relationship. It was interesting to see how people used it for ulterior motives.

However, I was perplexed by the end and the incidents in the epilogue. I admit it ended strangely, and I wonder if the author hints there will be a sequel.

Overall, “The Bride to Be” is a fun thriller that gets better as you read it, and I hope the author does write a sequel to the book.

Book Tour Schedule

The Bride To Be

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on The Bride To Be by Daniel Hurst Blog Tour hosted by Zooloos Book Tours.


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