Maybe It’s About Time by Neil Boss

Maybe It’s About Time

Maybe It’s About Time by Neil Boss

Release: August 30, 2022
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Matador
Source: TheWriterreads Tours
Find it at: Goodreads, Amazon , Kindle



Two people trapped in their different worlds. One by wealth and one by poverty. Twenty years working for The Firm has given Marcus Barlow everything he wants but has taken his soul in return. Finding a way to leave has become an obsession.

Claire Halford’s life hits rock bottom when security catches her  stealing food from Tesco Express. Her husband leaves her alone with two small children and an STI, her suicide music is starting to play louder in her head.

A chance meeting brings them together. As a mystery virus from China starts to run riot across the country, their world’s collide and they find they have more in common than they knew.

Set in the early months of 2020, Maybe It’s About Time is a story about the difficulty of changing lives for the better. Starting as a funny and satirical view of the egocentric world of professional services, it gives way to a heart-warming story of an unlikely friendship that rejuvenates Marcus and Claire, giving them both hope for a better future.

Author Bio:

I retired from a career in the corporate world in November 2019 with three objectives. First, is to travel around the world and fly fish in the most exotic locations. Then to play my electric guitar better than I do. And also  to write a novel that I could be genuinely proud of. The pandemic and lockdown in March 2020 put my first two objectives on hold leaving me no option but to start writing. Two and half years later, ‘Maybe It’s About Time’, my first novel, was published.

As a piece of work, I am incredibly proud of it. It makes me laugh and cry in equal measure. I am even more proud that readers seem to be enjoying it just as much and it is getting great reviews.

Travel and fly fishing has now started again, my guitar playing is improving and a sequel to ‘Maybe It’s About Time’ is planned to start in 2023!

Amazon | Goodreads 

Maybe It’s About Time Review:

The author narrates the story in a quirky, pessimistic, yet humorous manner where you feel like the characters could be people you chat with daily. What stood out for me were the two main characters. Claire was my favorite in the tale, and I liked her relationship with her kids and how she tried to make ends meet. Similarly, I relate to Marcus’s stress working in the corporate field and his vexing challenges. But, what was lovely was how the author brought these two opposites together amidst the Covid-19 case and formed an exciting friendship. Even Gavin was fun in the supporting role.

Quite a few books that involve the impact of Covid-19 in the storyline are coming out. Still, the author touched on the seriousness and implications of the lockdown very realistically in the tale. You see how the pandemic impacts people differently, and some scenes take a more serious tone, where the author adds deaths and various challenges that people face.

Perhaps the only downside to the story is the length of the story. The book is 500+ pages long, and some passages are over descriptive. At times, we get an insight into each tiny detail the characters are thinking about, which staggers the plot. It would have been nice if the author had trimmed the tale to cover less than 400 pages.

Apart from that, I enjoyed reading “Maybe It’s About Time” and found it a delightful contemporary read.

Book Tour Schedule

Maybe It’s About Time

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Maybe It’s About Time by Neil Boss  Blog Tour hosted by TheWriterreads Tours

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