Eight Dates and Nights by Betsy Aldredge

Eight Dates and Nights

Eight Dates and Nights by Betsy Aldredge

Release: October 3, 2023

Format: Ebook
Publisher: ‎ Underlined 
Source: TBR and Beyond Tours
Find it at: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | IndieBound



Two teens with two very different ideas of how to spend Hanukkah learn to work together to save the last Jewish remnant in small town Texas in this cozy holiday romance!

New Yorker Hannah Levin is allergic to exactly two things, horses and tinsel. Unfortunately, she’s surrounded by both this Hanukkah when, thanks to a freak snow storm, she’s stranded in the small town of Rosenberg, Texas, visiting her grandmother, who she hasn’t seen in years due to family drama.

Super lonely, missing latkes and reliable wi-fi, she follows the scent of fried potatoes and wanders into an old deli where she meets the only other Jewish teen in town, Noah, who happens to be equal parts adorable and full of annoying, over the top Hanukkah spirit that he’s determined to share with Hannah, one ugly, itchy Hanukkah sweater at a time.

She makes him a deal, she’ll help him save his family’s deli, which is practically the only Jewish remnant in a town that once had a thriving community of European immigrants, if he’ll leave her to sulk in peace. However, after a spectacularly memorable kiss Hannah wonders if there’s more to Hanukkah, this community, and even her grandmother than she thought.

About the Author:

Betsy Aldredge is a former magazine editor turned communications professional who has worked in the non-profit sector, the arts, and the Jewish community, including several years at the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York City. She is the co-author of Sasquatch, Love, and Other Imaginary Things. She lives in Connecticut with her husband, daughter, and rescued cats and dog, who all hog the couch.

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Eight Dates and Nights Review:

When I started “Eight Dates and Night,” I initially anticipated a run-of-the-mill romantic comedy infused with Jewish elements. However, the author’s storytelling proved to be an endearing and heartwarming experience that drew me deeply into the lives of its protagonists, Hannah and Noah, eliciting my wholehearted support for their budding romance.

The premise of falling in love within a mere seven days and inspiring life-altering decisions may appear implausible at first glance. Yet, I found myself completely captivated by these characters. Of the two leads, my affection leaned more toward Noah, who emerged as my favorite character. His unwavering devotion to making Hannah feel cherished, even when she was cranky and moody, set the story apart. The anticipation of his nightly surprises for her had me glued to the pages, eagerly awaiting each heartwarming gesture. Some of my most cherished moments include their enchanting ice skating escapades and their visits to the elderly home.

Moreover, Hannah’s relationships, particularly with her grandmother and Josh, added depth to the narrative, and the author skillfully depicted the dynamics within Hannah’s family. Small, delightful details, such as the horses being named after the Beatles or the significance of Noah’s business, made me smile.

Despite not sharing the characters’ Jewish heritage, I appreciated the author’s genuine commitment to the Jewish theme, grounding the story in a rich cultural backdrop. As the narrative transitioned to a more serious tone towards the conclusion, I remained invested in the characters’ journeys, eager to discover the choices they would make.

Overall, “Eight Dates and Night” encapsulates the essence of a delightful romantic comedy, offering an ideal choice for those who relish heartwarming romantic comedies intertwined with the festive spirit of Christmas and Hanukkah.

Book Tour Schedule

Eight Dates and Nights

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on The Eight Dates and Nights by Betsy Aldredge Blog Tour hosted by TBR and Beyond Tours.

October 2nd
Confessions of a YA Reader – Promotional Post

October 3rd
Not In Jersey – Review
Rajiv’s Reviews-Review

October 4th
pluvioreads – Review, TikTok

October 5th
Paiges of Novels-Review, Playlist

October 6th
What Cass Reads-Review

October 7th
Book Lover Book Reviews-Promotional Post
Jen Jen Reviews-Review

October 8th
Uneek Book Lover-Review

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