The Lies I Never Told You by Valérie Tong Cuong

The Lies I Never Told You

The Lies I Never Told You by Valérie Tong Cuong
Release: August 6th 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Hodder Paperbacks
Source: Netgalley


When Pax, a middle-aged second-rate actor, scores an audition for a blockbuster, he is convinced fate has taken pity on him and he will finally get to spend some time in the limelight.

He leaves his flat in a hurry, ignoring the alarming sounds coming from the apartment above. He is beside himself when he learns what devastating consequences his decision had: not only was his neighbour Alex assaulted and left for dead, he is also his girlfriend Emi’s son . . .

Before long, Pax is faces an impossible choice. Should he continue to deceive Emi, the one person who always believed in him, or tell the truth and destroy their relationship?

About the AuthorThe Lies I Never Told You

Valérie Tong Cuong was born in 1964. She studied literature and political science, then spent eight years in business before devoting herself to writing and music. Her books are translated in nineteen languages.

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The Lies I Never Told You Review:

Many thanks to Hodder & Stoughton and Netgalley for providing me an ARC of this book!

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I’ll be honest. When I started reading this book, I thought it very bumpy, mainly due to the narration. As it is a French translation, I was unsure if I would like it or not. However, since the book is relatively short, I continued reading. I am SO glad I did because I loved the story!

The story starts off bumpy but picked up once Pax meets Emi, and later when Alex enters the story. The author portrayed their emotions beautifully. Each character goes through a harrowing experience, because of which they suffer with inferiority, guilt, trauma or fear. They all fight their own inner demons, but don’t realize that they are overcoming their burdens when they are with each other.

Pax is amazing and the highlight of the story. I loved how involved he becomes with Emi and Alex’s lives. You can see him slowly start to change, and try to overcome being a coward to do what is right. Alex is also a wonderful character who you immediately love and root for. The author has written his emotions accurately, and I can only imagine survivors in real life being brave to live each day fighting their battles.

The story is short and simple, but yet so compelling. After reading this book, I feel like watching the movie “Dallas Buyers Club” since the author mentions it multiple times. Overall, The Lies I Never Told You is a beautiful contemporary tale of fighting your battles.

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