The Wrong Neighbour by Caleb Crowe

The Wrong Neighbour by Caleb Crowe

Release: June 23, 2024

Format: Ebook
Publisher: Inkubator Books
Source: NetGalley
Find it at: Goodreads


They’ve moved into their dream house. Then they meet the couple next door.

After a whirlwind romance, Megan and Nick move into the home of their dreams, a beautiful beach house.

They think it’s their happily ever after… until their neighbours return from a cruise.

Ron and Jackie are loud and obnoxious, playing their home cinema at high volume, and shattering the tranquillity with their endless building work. To cap it all, they have a kennel with four dangerous dogs that bark and howl day and night.

They are the living definition of the neighbours from hell.

Megan finds she is pregnant, and what should be a blissful dream for the couple instead becomes a gruelling nightmare. As their home turns into a battleground, their relationship starts to crumble under the relentless stress.

When Ron and Jackie lay claim to part of Megan and Nick’s garden, the young couple know they are in for a fight. But they have no idea what their neighbours really want – or how far they will go to get it.

Their nightmare has only just begun …

The Wrong Neighbour – the shocking psychological thriller perfect for fans of Freida McFadden, Lucinda Berry and John Marrs.

About the Author:

Caleb Crowe is a British writer of psychological thrillers, and is fascinated by stories where extraordinary things happen to ordinary people, and the mundane is transformed into the menacing.

He’s afraid of the sea, fearful in the countryside, panicky in large open spaces and terrified of small, confined spaces. There’s nowhere, and no one, that doesn’t possess some dark, brooding anxiety just waiting to have the lid prised open and turned into a twisty, suspenseful, nerve-shredding story.

He lives in Manchester with his partner, two children and two cats, who probably have their own mysterious agendas. Whether he’s navigating the urban jungle or wrestling with the daily challenges of family life, Caleb draws inspiration from the unpredictability of everyday existence.

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The Wrong Neighbour Review:

This is the first book I’ve read by this author, but it certainly won’t be the last. I thoroughly enjoyed the author’s writing style, which packs a lot into each chapter and makes you genuinely root for the main character, Meg. The author constantly pushes the protagonist to the brink, and just when it seems she might escape her predicament, the author throws in a twist that leaves you wondering if she has any hope, keeping you glued to the pages.

Moreover, Meg is a truly compelling lead. Initially, she relies on Nick to solve problems, but as the story unfolds, you witness her transformation and gain a newfound respect for her as she begins to take matters into her own hands. Her growth and resilience are truly inspiring.

Another aspect I found intriguing is that, apart from Meg, most characters are particularly unlikable. The author delves into not only the rude and threatening neighbors but also Meg’s marriage with Nick and other characters like Gavin and Peter. This constant questioning of who can truly be trusted as secrets and lies unravel, particularly with the irritatingly saccharine Jackie, kept me curious about their true intentions.

However, my only criticism is that the author sometimes spends too much time on Meg’s nightmares and the self-help she receives from a mentor named Tiffany. While these sections provide insight into Meg’s psyche and her attempts to stay calm amidst the chaos, they can distract from the main plot.

Overall, “The Wrong Neighbour” is an engaging thriller that will hook you with its storyline and keep you guessing until the end. I enjoyed reading the story and look forward to reading more by the author. 

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