The Boy From Two Worlds by Jason Offutt

The Boy From Two Worlds by Jason Offutt

Release: June 4,2024
Format: Ebook
Publisher: CamCat Books
Source: Suzyapproved Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle



Evil comes in pretty packages.

Thomas Cavanaugh’s life is now a blur, a blend of foggy memories and hidden horrors. When his fae girlfriend Jillian begins to act strangely, he wonders whether he should put an end to their relationship. Then Jillian does the unthinkable and vanishes with four-year-old Jacob Jenkins, a boy with terrifying supernatural powers. Suddenly, years later, Jacob reappears unaged, claiming to have been in another world.

lenn is called in to investigate a series of violent murders, all with evidence pointing toward the boy from two worlds. Someone with dark magic is devouring souls but for what purpose? Thomas and his allies must prepare for a bloody final battle before their world is completely swept away into another, with no way to get home.

About the Author:

Jason Offutt writes books. He is best known for science fiction, such as his end-of-the-world zombie novel Bad Day for the Apocalypse (a curious work that doesn’t include zombies), his paranormal non-fiction like Chasing American Monsters (that does), and his book of humor How to Kill Monsters Using Common Household Objects. He teaches university journalism, cooks for his family, and wastes much of his writing time trying to keep the cat off his lap

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The Boy From Two Worlds Review:

Jason Offutt’s “The Boy From Two Worlds” is a captivating sequel that kept me hooked from start to finish. Building on the foundation laid by “The Girl in the Corn,” Offutt delivers a narrative reminiscent of a Stephen King Castle Rock story, where diverse characters unite against a formidable evil.

Character development shines brightly in this novel. Thomas emerges as a central figure, and his bond with Marguerite and Jacob adds depth to the story. Speaking of Jacob, he truly steals the spotlight with his unique and compelling growth, showcasing his special qualities in a way that resonates with readers.

The rest of the cast also shines! Elizabeth’s portrayal of grappling with her drinking problem and Glenn’s journey to overcome his cowardice is heartfelt and inspiring, making them characters readers root for. Even minor characters like Tick Tick leave a lasting impression with their brief but memorable appearances.

Similarly, Jillian is crafted perfectly as the monstrous villain, exuding power and unpredictability throughout the narrative. The suspense of how the characters will confront such a formidable adversary adds a thrilling edge to the plot.

The novel is a masterful blend of horror, suspense, thriller, humor, fantasy, and even a touch of time travel. Scenes such as the eerie black snow and the incidents with the Pope family are etched into memory, showcasing Offutt’s ability to create terrifying and unforgettable moments. The infusion of humor, mainly through characters like Tick Tick, adds a welcome balance to the intense narrative.

Overall, “The Boy From Two Worlds” is a must-read for fans of supernatural fiction. It offers a rich tapestry of genres woven together seamlessly. Offutt’s storytelling prowess shines through, making this sequel a worthy successor to its predecessor.

Book Tour Schedule

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on The Boy From Two Worlds by Jason Offutt Blog Tour hosted by Suzyapproved Book Tours.

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