Black Veil by Greg Jolley

Black Veil

Black Veil by Greg Jolley

Release: July 1st 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Epouvantail Books, LLC
Source: RABT Book Tours
Find it at:Amazon || Barnes and Noble || Kobo



Murder and Madness in the High Sierras

The tragic and gruesome story of the Donner Party is being made into a movie, a tale of cannibalism and treachery high in the snowbound mountains. The cast is made up entirely of children. One by one, they are dying. The series of deaths are haunting the production, each one of the “accidents” at the hands of Florentino Urbino. Driven by greed and jealousy, he is killing off the film’s stars to line his pockets by selling off the gruesome footage of the accidents.

Six-year-old actress SeaBee Danser in her black veil is his next target. She is the only one who can see through the black curtain that Florentino Urbino drapes over his deranged and murderous heart.

Can she survive? Can someone stop him? Will any of the children remain standing?

About the Author:

Greg Jolley earned a Master of Arts in Writing from the University of San Francisco and lives in the very small town of Ormond Beach, Florida. When not writing, he researches historical crime, primarily those of the 1800s. Or goes surfing.

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Black Veil Review:

I had mixed feelings about the story. At times I was completely engrossed with the story, but at other times, I was disconnected with it.

What really drew me to the story was its concept. I really like the theme of two parallel story-lines, where one story is the actual movie, and the parallel story is what happens behind the scenes. Also, there are some really terrifying moments in the both these stories. The author kills potential characters that you do not expect. Moreover, Flor is very unpredictable and you really don’t know how he will react. There are some very eerie and suspenseful moments that build up on the set, which you have no idea how it will turn out.

However, I expected both the story-lines to merge somehow as a result of Flor’s plans. The movie scenes seemed disconnected with whatever is happening behind the scenes. Also, I felt like we really don’t get to know who Flor is. There is no back story as to to why he does any of this. Moreover, the entire story felt plot driven, and for suspense genre, having a connection to the characters is beneficial. Also, I felt confused at the direction the story went. In the beginning, it seems like a wild adventure story, but then changes to a survival story with cannibalistic intentions. There are some of the reasons why I felt disconnected.

Overall, Black Veil is still entertaining, but had the potential to be great if polished a bit.


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Book Trailer:

Black Veil

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