Wedding Bells in Merriment Bay by Emily Harvale

Wedding Bells in Merriment Bay

Wedding Bells in Merriment Bay by Emily Harvale

Release: June 8th 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Crescent Gate Publishing
Source: @rararesources
Find it at: Amazon



Change is in the air as wedding bells ring out in Merriment Bay

Cat’s determined to propose to Amias. Well, it is a leap year so it’s fine for women to do the asking, and besides, it took him eighteen years to tell her how he felt. She’s not going to wait for him to pop the question. All she needs to do is find the perfect time and place.

Kyra’s fallen for Francis Raine, who seems happy to flirt and exchange banter but hasn’t actually asked her out. Does he reciprocate her feelings, or is he this way with every girl he meets? There’s only one way to find out. She’ll ask him on a date … as soon as he returns to Merriment Bay.

Mary’s leaving Devon Villa after a lifetime spent in the house. She never lived alone so it’s both exciting and terrifying. But change is good, isn’t it? Perhaps it’s time she tried other new things too.

The Devon women want to move on to the next chapters in their lives. And as Viola Devon used to say before she died, “The only one who can write your own life story as you want it, is you.” Although Viola’s didn’t work out too well. However will Cat, Kyra, and Mary have better luck with theirs?

About the Author:

Emily writes novels, novellas and short stories about friendship, family and falling in love. She loves a happy ending but knows that life doesn’t always go to plan. Her stories are sure to bring a smile to your face and a warmth to your heart.

Emily loves to connect with her readers and has a readers’ group in which many have become good friends. To catch up with Emily, find out about the group, or connect with her on social media, go to her website at

Having lived and worked in London for several years, Emily returned to her home town of Hastings where she now writes full-time. She’s a member of the SoA, an Amazon bestseller and a Kindle All Star. When not writing, she can be found enjoying the stunning East Sussex coast and countryside, or in a wine bar with friends, discussing life, love and the latest TV shows. Chocolate cake is often eaten. She dislikes housework almost as much as she dislikes anchovies – and will do anything to avoid both. Emily has two mischievous rescue cats that like to sprawl across her keyboard, regardless of whether Emily is typing on it, or not.

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Wedding Bells in Merriment Bay Review:

Emily Harvale is becoming one of my favorite authors. I recently read “A Wedding at Wynter House” and enjoyed it. “Wedding Bells in Merriment Bay” turned out to be entertaining as well! The author has a wonderful way of writing feel good romance that just puts a smile on your face. The highlight of the stories are the characters and their relationships.

I loved the two main characters, Cat and Amias. They are fun, feisty and adorable together. Even though I have not read the previous books in this series, I fell in love with these two. Kyra is a fireball. I can’t believe she is only 18 because she is so mature for her age. I just loved how straight forward and mature she is. She knows what she wants and doesn’t beat around the bush. It was fun to see her confront Cat and Amias about their relationship and how to take it forward. Moreover, I really liked her relation with Francis and how she tries to figure him out.

Mary is a very interesting character as well, but not a memorable as Olivia. I really liked her conversations with Daniel, but felt she was not prominent in the story. I would have liked if we had seen more of her. Also, now that I know the characters from the Wyntersleap series, I loved their appearances. It was so nice to see Rafe, Neva, Jo and Olivia make an appearance. I think Olivia is one of my favorite characters in the whole series.

Overall, “Wedding Bells in Merriment Bay” is like tasting cotton candy when you go to the Fair. It just melts all your trouble away and makes you feel good.

Blog Tour Schedule

Wedding Bells in Merriment Bay

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Wedding Bells in Merriment Bay by Emily Harvale Blog Tour hosted by @rararesources.

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