
The Fragile Thread of Hope by Pankaj Giri
Release: October 29th 2017
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services
Source: Sent by the Author


Fragile Thread of Hope Synopsis:

In the autumn of 2012, destiny wreaks havoc on two unsuspecting people—Soham and Fiona.
Although his devastating past involving his brother still haunted him, Soham had established a promising career for himself in Bangalore.
After a difficult childhood, Fiona’s fortunes had finally taken a turn for the better. She had married her beloved, and her life was as perfect as she had ever imagined it to be.
But when tragedy strikes them yet again, their fundamentally fragile lives threaten to fall apart.
Can Fiona and Soham overcome their grief?
Will the overwhelming pain destroy their lives?


Heartfelt thanks to the author for providing me a free copy of this book for my review.

Where do I even begin to describe my feelings for this book? Truly, this is a work of art that gave me a sense of serenity upon finishing it.

To begin with, “The Fragile thread of Hope” seamlessly portrays the emotions of love, loss, jealousy, betrayal and spiritualism. In some ways, this book is a beautiful love story of two people finding love after suffering unbearable heartbreaks. In other ways, it is a spiritual handbook seeking to help those who are coping with depression and loss. Overall, it is an unforgettable journey that touches the reader’s heartstrings from the get go.

As someone who can easily relate to Soham, I cannot even imagine being in a situation where all my loved ones are taken away from me. It is truly one of my worst fears and I am fortunate not to have experienced it much. The story touches on some serious aspects like the loss of a sibling, a lover, a husband, and even parents. Moreover, it is heart-wrenching to read the way the characters cope with these tragedies to attain hope and love. Hence, it really opens our eyes to remind us the life is short, and we should appreciate the beauty and love surrounding us.

Pankaj Giri has painted a masterpiece in this book and I am now his fan. His words are like fine wine that just gets better with each page. I love how he smoothly transitions the heartbreak and sorrow of the characters into something meaningful and positive. Additionally, I also enjoyed the story being set in the beautiful backdrop of Gangtok. It was interesting to read about their culture and the similarities it bears with other Indian cultures. Furthermore, the author also blended his thoughts of Spiritualism into the story without making it sound preachy. I am a believer of spiritual healing and I fell in love over some of the passages mentioned such as:

“Truth is something which is beyond change. Everything in the world is changing—matter keeps changing state; lifestyles, communication processes change; continents have merged into each other or disappeared in the past. Thus, the world, as you see it, is a lie, an illusion.”

The only tiny flaw I found in this book was initially adjusting to the Nepali language in the dialogues. It took time for me to adapt on certain terms like ‘Nani’, ‘Dada’ etc. However, I am glad that these were added as they made the characters more down to earth and realistic.

Overall, the pacing, the tones, the characters, and well, I feel everything was just perfect in this book. Honestly, I cannot find anything negative to write about and encourage everyone to pick it up and experience. Be sure to have a box of tissues handy before reading “The Fragile thread of Hope”. To conclude, I highly recommend this book and give it 5/5 stars.


  1. Wow, thank you SO much, Rajiv, for such a lovely, heartwarming review. I can’t stop smiling. It is a great achievement for me that an avid reader like you liked my book so much. I almost teared over after reading your wonderful review. You just made me day! 🙂

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