How to Live on the Edge by Sarah Lynn Scheerger

How to Live on the Edge

How to Live on the Edge by Sarah Lynn Scheerger

Release: August 4, 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Lerner/Carolrhoda
Source: Rockstar Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, AudibleB&NiBooks, KoboTBD,



Eighteen-year-old Cayenne barely remembers her mother, who died of breast cancer when Cayenne was four. The women in her family have a history of dying young. Then, Cayenne figures she’ll meet the same fate, so she might as well enjoy life now, engaging in death-defying risks like dodging trains and jumping off cliffs with her boyfriend.

However, when Cayenne receives a series of video messages her mother made for her before dying, she isn’t sure she wants them. Her aunt Tee has been her true mother figure. But then Aunt Tee tests positive for a BRCA gene mutation–the one that doomed Cayenne’s mom–and decides to get a mastectomy to reduce her chances of developing cancer. Hence, as Cayenne helps her aunt prepare for the surgery, she finds herself drawn to her mother’s messages, with their musings on life, love, and perseverance. For the first time, Cayenne starts to question what it truly means to live life to the fullest, even when death might be written into her DNA

About the Author:

Sarah Lynn (Scheerger) works as a clinical social worker with at-risk youth, helping them figure out who they are and who they want to be. Also, she  provides counseling to adults and couples. She lives in southern California with her husband and children. Sarah started out writing under her first and middle name (Sarah Lynn) because she thought having a pen name seemed mysterious and cool. However, over time she’s transitioned to writing under her real name as well (both Sarah Scheerger and Sarah Lynn Scheerger). Also, Sarah loves reading, watching movies, and spending time with her family and friends.

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How to Live on the Edge Review:

I love reading contemporary YA novels that talk about relevant issues, inspires you and makes you emotional. How to Live on the Edge delivers all in a beautiful manner.

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To begin with, I love both the main characters. Cayenne is complex, moody and wants some meaning in her life, and takes everything with a grain of salt. Whereas Saffron is more grounded and optimistic. Both the girls complement each other so well. Personally, I loved Saff more because she is supportive and guides her sister. However, I also liked seeing how Cayenne grows emotionally in the story. Also, even the supporting characters like Micah, Aunt Tee, and even Axel add very well to the story.

Moreover, there are so many moments which I adored. My favorite parts of the stories were how they react when they see Jenny’s videos. Some of those scenes are very emotional and moving, and I loved the passages that the mother imparts on them. I also loved the girl’s interactions with Ryan, and felt it was beautifully narrated. Moreover, the author covers a few important topics like breast cancer and being tested from a young age. I haven’t read much about this topic in the young adult genre, and I thought the author brought forward some very valid points.

However, there were a few parts which felt repetitious, like how Cayenne ponders about her life and family. I also found it a odd how Axel suddenly became a negative character midway into the story. It came out of the blue and didn’t feel realistic. But apart from that, I loved reading this book!

Overall, I really enjoyed reading this book and highly recommend it.


3 winners will receive a finished copy of How to Live on the Edge, US Only.

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How to Live on the Edge

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the How to Live on the Edge by Sarah Lynn Scheerger Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!

Tour Schedule:

Week One:
27/7/2020 –  rainbowrdrgrl – Review
28/7/2020 –  Here’s to Happy Endings – Review
29/7/2020 –  Abellafairytale – Review
30/7/2020 –  TheReadingCornerforAll – Review
31/7/2020 –  BookHounds YA – Interview

Week Two:
3/8/2020 – The Phantom Paragrapher – Review
4/8/2020 – PopTheButterfly – Review
5/8/2020 –  Lifestyle of Me – Review
6/8/2020 – Her Book Thoughts– Review
7/8/2020 – Two Chicks on Books – Interview

Week Three:
10/8/2020 – Jotted by Jena – Review
11/8/2020 – She Just Loves Books– Review
12/8/2020 – A Dream Within A Dream – Excerpt
13/8/2020 – Momfluenster– Review
14/8/2020 – Jazzy Book Reviews – Excerpt

Week Four:
17/8/2020 – A Gingerly Review – Excerpt
18/8/2020 – notinjersey – Review
19/8/2020 –  Fire and Ice – Review
20/8/2020 – Hurn Publications– Review
21/8/2020 – Twirling Book Princess – Excerpt

Week Five:
24/8/2020 – Rajiv’s Reviews – Review
25/8/2020 –  Jaime’s World – Excerpt
26/8/2020 – The Book View – Excerpt
27/8/2020 –– Review
28/8/2020 – Two Points of Interest – Review

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