
Tribulation (Cops Planet #1) by Jaydeep Shah

Release: June 15th 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Jaydeep Shah
Source: Xpresso Book Tours
Find it at: Goodreads, Amazon



When a couple celebrates their eleventh marriage anniversary at their old mansion far from the city of Naples, Florida, they begin experiencing paranormal events. While trying to find out the truth of what’s happening, they encounter a girl wandering in the mansion. She is the girl whom the couple never wanted to see again in their life.

Surrounded by their sinful past and the girl’s deathly traps, the couple tries hard to escape the mansion. But they are stuck. There is no way out of the mansion. Every second, they approach their end.

Moreover, there are many secrets buried in the mansion—about the girl, about the couple, and about their past.

Tribulation is a masterpiece of suspense, a thriller with some mild elements of horror from the imagination of Jaydeep Shah.

About the Author:

Jaydeep Shah is the author of gripping romance, horror, thriller stories. He also writes non-fiction pieces about inspirational topics related to social issues. He is the author of more than half a dozen books.

In addition to those books, Jaydeep releases young adult fiction stories under a pen name, JD Shah. The Shape-Shifting Serpents’ Choice is his first young adult flash fiction written under that pseudo name and published online by Scarlet Leaf Review in their July 2019 issue.

When Shah is not writing, he wanders around Jersey City, spends quality time with friends and family, and cooks delicious food.


Tribulation Review:

I always love reading a good revenge novel, and Tribulation hits the mark nicely on the genre. The story is short but very entertaining. It was like reading a cliffs notes version of Kill Bill. It is a gripping story of revenge and drama and the author dives right into the action. In the first scene itself, we see someone targeting Casie and Alex in a diabolical way, and you know the story is going to be good. Moreover, I loved all the characters and thought each of them was very interesting. Ana is the best, and I loved the way she takes control of the situation. Casie and Alex are devious and ruthless, and very entertaining as well. Emily also stands out, and I liked her fighting her emotions to do the right thing, when she witnesses the tragedy.

However, I would have liked it if there story had more details and was elaborate. While I loved the twists and turns, I felt the author relied mainly on plot. You don’t get time to connect with the characters or really feel for them because the plot moves so quickly. Hence it would had been nice if we had more history of the characters. There are also some parts left open-ended. But, like the author mentions, these will be explained in the following book. I am very curious to see how this story continues in Book two.

Apart from that, reading this book was a lot of fun. It’s one of those books that you read purely for entertainment and escapism. Overall, if you are in the mood for a nice action-packed, fast-paced, revenge novel, you should check out “Tribulation”.

Book Tour Schedule


I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Tribulation by Jaydeep Shah Blog Tour hosted by Xpresso Book Tours.

August 3rd
100 Pages A Day >> Review
Dark Whimsical art >> Interview

August 4th
Rajiv’s Reviews  >> Review

August 5th
Rockin’ Book Reviews >> Guest post
Celticlady’s Reviews >> Excerpt

August 6th
Bris Book Nook >> Review
The Genre Minx Book Reviews >> Excerpt

August 7th
Indie and Diverse >> Review
The Avid Reader  >> Review

August 10th
Jazzy Book Reviews  >> Excerpt
Thoughts in Progress >> Excerpt
Mind of Luxe >> Excerpt

August 11th
Reading Authors Network >> Excerpt
Runaway Irish Girl >> Review

August 12th
BookHounds >> Guest post
Uncharted Routes >> Review

August 13th
breen.rb  >> Review
Rising Indies United >> Excerpt

August 14th
Valerie Ullmer | Romance Author  >> Playlist
Books A-Brewin’ >> Excerpt
Archaeolibrarian – I Dig Good Books! >> Excerpt


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