The girl you forgot by Giselle Green

The girl you forgot

The girl you forgot by Giselle Green

Release: August 11th, 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Boldwood Books
Source: Amazon
Find it at Amazon,  GoodReadsB&N



Does the heart never really forget?

When Ava’s partner Will is diagnosed with a terminal brain tumor, the doctors give Will one chance to survive – an operation which means he will lose his recent memory. Ava begs him to take the chance, sure that she can cope with Will forgetting her. After all, they have something extraordinary to live for. 

But they are also keeping a heart-breaking secret, and if Will loses his memory, Ava will have to carry that secret alone. 

Can they rebuild their love from scratch, or will their secrets and past come between them? Will Ava really be a stranger when Will wakes up – or does the heart never really forget? 

Giselle Green returns with a heart-breaking, deeply moving story of love, loss, and what it really means to be alive. Perfect for all fans of Jodi Picoult, Susan Lewis, and Diane Chamberlain. 

About the Author:

Giselle Green is an award-winning, bestselling contemporary women’s fiction author.  She is also a Mum to six boys (half of whom have flown the nest) and owner of one bright orange-and-cinnamon canary who hopefully never will. Giselle enjoys creating emotionally gripping storylines about family and relationships.

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The girl you forgot Review:

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I found “The Girl You Forgot” to be a lovely romantic tale, highlighting what you would do if you got a second chance in life for a do-over. The author has a beautiful talent for writing romance with drama, and I thought she executed it beautifully in this book.

The story starts well, in a mysterious manner. You don’t know precisely why Will goes through the surgery. As the story progresses, you feel as if you are next to Will as you both learn about his history. I enjoyed Will in the lead and thought he brought a lot into the tale. I liked his friendship with Toby and enjoyed his conversation with Mule.

Similarly, Ava is also intriguing, and I liked the way the author portrayed her emotions. She is pregnant and endures a lot of drama in the story. I enjoyed her relationship with Robyn and how they help each other.

However, my favorite character was Harry. I adored Harry and thought he was the best character in the story. He is complex, unpredictable, charming, and a sweetheart. Even though he only appeared for a limited time, he impacted the story and became a memorable character for me.

But, there were times where the text felt repetitive. For instance, there are parts, particularly in the second half, where Ava and Will reminisce of ‘what if’ situations that staggered the pace. Also, I felt some story arcs felt unresolved, particularly between Ava and Ginny. But, apart from that, this was a lovely romance novel that I enjoyed.

Overall, “The Girl You Forgot” is a lovely story if you are in the mood for drama, angst, and romance!

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