See All the Stars by Kit Frick


See All the Stars by Kit Frick
Expected Release: August 14th 2018
Format: Ebook
Publisher: McElderry Books
Source: NetGalley


See All The Stars Synopsis:

It’s hard to find the truth beneath the lies you tell yourself.

THEN They were four—Bex, Jenni, Ellory, Ret. Electric, headstrong young women; Ellory’s whole solar system.

NOW Ellory is alone, her once inseparable group of friends torn apart by secrets, deception, and a shocking incident that changed their lives forever.

THEN Lazy summer days. A party. A beautiful boy. Ellory met Matthias and fell into the beginning of a spectacular, bright love.

NOW Ellory returns to Pine Brook to navigate senior year after a two-month suspension and summer away—no boyfriend, no friends. No going back. Tormented by some and sought out by others, troubled by a mysterious note-writer who won’t let Ellory forget, and consumed by guilt over her not entirely innocent role in everything and everyone she’s lost, Ellory finds that even in the present, the past is everywhere.

The path forward isn’t a straight line. And moving on will mean sorting the truth from the lies—the lies Ellory has been telling herself.



Two roads diverged in a wood, and I…
I stumbled upon this book and was mesmerized!

A BIG Thank You to NetGalley, Simon and Schuster Children’s Publishing and Margaret K. McElderry Books for providing me a copy of “See All the Stars” by Kit Frick in exchange for my review.

Before I get into the details, I LOVED reading this book and managed to finish most of it in one sitting.

The story is written in a beautiful way where each chapter shifted between what’s happening NOW vs what’s happening THEN. Even though the setting changed between the chapters, the pacing remained consistent and kept me invested in the story. Throughout the book, the author cleverly integrates topics of friendship, breakups, and betrayals masked with a level of suspense. Furthermore, the ending completely threw me off. I am not going to spoil it, but I did not see that plot twist coming at all! I had to go back and re-read a few passages to see if it all fit, and it did! It’s one of those books that made me sit in awe after finishing, just to grasp it all in. That in itself makes this such a memorable read.

Coming to the characters, the author has written them realistically that the reader can easily relate to. They are complex, have issues, make mistakes and act impulsively; in other words, they behave like teenagers. Moreover, I loved the analogy the author used to connect each character to a planet/star to describe their bond. Ellory is the main character and the person whom I could relate to the most. When she reminisces over her friendship with Ret, it made me recall about my past friendships and how they fell apart. Ret is a character you just love to hate. She oozes confidence and attracts people to be her friends for her own advantage. More than Ret, I think I despised Jenni. Even though she doesn’t appear much, I hated her attitude towards Ellory whenever she appeared.

Kit Frick has done an amazing job in her debut novel and I have instantly become her fan! When I think about it, the story is nothing new and has been done countless times before. However, the way the author has weaved the words and described the story is so captivating that feels fresh. There was never a moment where I got bored and felt like skipping a few pages. Now that I have finished reading “See all the stars”, I am already anxiously looking forward to her next book release. Overall, I loved “See All the Stars” and highly recommend others to give it a chance and read it.

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