The Heart Between Us: Two Sisters, One Heart Transplant, and a Bucket List by Lindsay Harrel


The Heart Between Us: Two Sisters, One Heart Transplant, and a Bucket List by Lindsay Harrel
Release: March 13th 2018
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Source: NetGalley


The Heart Between Us Synopsis:

Megan Jacobs always wished for a different heart. She spent her entire childhood in and out of hospitals, sitting on the sidelines while her twin sister Crystal played all the sports, got all the guys, and had all the fun. But even a heart transplant three years ago wasn’t enough to propel Megan’s life forward. She’s still working as a library aide in her small Minnesota hometown and living with her parents, dreaming of the adventure she plans to take “once she’s well enough.” Meanwhile, her sister is a successful architect with a handsome husband and the perfect life—or so Megan thinks.

When her heart donor’s parents give Megan their teenage daughter’s journal—complete with an unfulfilled bucket list—Megan connects with the girl she meets between the pages and is inspired to venture out and check off each item. Caleb—a friend from her years in and out of the hospital—reenters her life and pushes her to find the courage to take the leap and begin her journey. She’s thrown for a loop when Crystal offers to join her for reasons of her own, but she welcomes the company and the opportunity to mend their tenuous relationship.

As Megan and Crystal check items off the bucket list, Megan fights the fears that have been instilled in her after a lifetime of illness. She must choose between safety and adventure and learn to embrace the heart she’s been given so that she can finally share it with the people she loves most.



A BIG Thank You to NetGalley and Thomas Nelson Publishing for providing me a copy of “The Heart between Us: Two Sisters, One Heart Transplant, and a Bucket List” by Lindsay Harrel in exchange for my review. “The Heart between Us” is a very sweet heart-warming book. The two main aspects I liked about this book is the characters and the travel log.

Lindsay Harrel has defined the characters wonderfully well and they are all likable. The author has written their development in such a smooth and moving manner. I love how Megan progressively transforms and gain the courage and confidence to fulfill Amanda’s dreams. Not only this, the author also focuses on the relationship development between the two sisters, with her parents and with her loved ones, giving equal importance to all of them. Megan and Crystal’s personalities and story-lines are unique, yet, the author does a good job in blending them at times. I loved how both the sisters are fighting their own battles, but seek help from each other to overcome them. More than Megan and Crystal, my favorite characters in the book were Amanda’s parents. The way they remain so positive and hopeful for Megan even after losing their daughter is touching and inspiring.

Although I enjoyed reading both Megan and Crystal’s journey, I felt more emotionally attached towards Crystal’s story-line. This is mainly because I could relate to the difficulties she faces in managing her personal and professional life. From whatever I have experienced, it is not possible to allot equal time if you want to progress in both. I hoped the story would show that she can achieve all her goals (personal and professional) in a positive light. Unfortunately, Crystal has to choose between one over the other. The story also doesn’t become too preachy or religious even though it is termed as a Christian Fiction book.

Moreover, the author has vividly highlighted some gorgeous locations in this book. Ms Harrel has described these places so beautifully that I felt I was experiencing it with Megan. Whether it’s Paris, London or Egypt, the author has showcased all the important highlights worth visiting. After reading this book, I want to do the scavenger hunt in London and run with the bulls in Pamplona. I have longed to see some of these places and hope to tour them sometime.

The only reason I gave this 4 out of 5 stars is because the book seemed a bit predictable. It was also a bit monotonous at times. During the first half of the book where the sisters travel to a new destination, nothing really much happens other than Megan gaining her confidence. It is only towards the end of their travels that the story-line progresses. However, apart from this, I loved everything about this book! Overall, this is a charming, heart-felt book that I would recommend reading if you are in the mood for one.

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