Whisper (Whisper #1) by Lynette Noni


Whisper (Whisper #1) by Lynette Noni
Release: May 1st 2018
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Pantera Press
Source: NetGalley


Whisper Synopsis:

“Lengard is a secret government facility for extraordinary people,” they told me.

I believed them. That was my mistake.

There isn’t anyone else in the world like me.

I’m different. I’m a monster.

For two years, six months, fourteen days, eleven hours and sixteen minutes, Subject Six-Eight-Four — ‘Jane Doe’ — has been locked away and experimented on, without uttering a single word.

As Jane’s resolve begins to crack under the influence of her new — and unexpectedly kind — evaluator, she uncovers the truth about Lengard’s mysterious ‘program’, discovering that her own secret is at the heart of a sinister plot … and one wrong move, one wrong word, could change the world.



A BIG Thank You to NetGalley and Pantera Press for providing me a copy of “Whisper” by Lynette Noni in exchange for my review. This is such an amazing book to read!

“Whisper” is written from a first person perspective of Jane Doe, which I liked as it made me feel closely connected to her. Even though she doesn’t speak much, I was immersed in JD and her thoughts and could easily relate to her. Furthermore, I loved how complex Jane Doe is as we progress with her in the story. She is vulnerable, frustrated, confused, and scared, but yet determined and hopeful considering whatever she has been through. The reader can slowly see her becoming confident and in control once she learns more about what’s going on. In fact, all the supporting characters have their own unique personality that make them likable in some way. I loved Cam and Kael in particular because of their friendliness and honesty towards JD. I adored Enzo as well for how he supports JD throughout her battles.

The author has written the story in simple but gripping manner. Initially, I didn’t know how the story would turn out with Jane Doe being a prisoner in Lengard. As the story develops, there are so many twists and turns that made me wonder what will happen next! Without giving much away, the incidents that take place in the Market in Sydney, at the zoo and when JD sees Dinger are some of my favorite moments. Not just in terms of the plot, but the characters also shocked me as well. Sometimes I would image a character reacting a certain way, only to find that they behaved exactly the opposite. Even now, after reading this book, I am not sure whether I should love Ward or hate him!

Another aspect I particularly loved is that it focuses mainly on JD, without turning it into a love story between her and her love interest. While I would have enjoyed seeing more romance between JD and the men to come into her life, I liked that it primarily concentrated only on JD finding herself. I also enjoyed the fact that there is some closure in the end, but still so many questions that makes me want to pick out the next book in the series!

This book just has everything in it for a great read! Mystery, suspense, science fiction, supernatural, romance, friendship rooted on an unforgettable plot surrounded by wonderful characters! Lynette Noni has created a masterpiece with this novel and I can’t wait for the sequel to release!

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