Chasing Starlight by Teri Bailey Black

Chasing Starlight

Chasing Starlight by Teri Bailey Black

Release: August 11th 2020
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Tor Teen
Source: JeanbookNerd
Find it at: Amazon, B&N, Book Depository



Movies, mansions, and murder in the Golden Age of Hollywood! Teri Bailey Black’s Chasing Starlight is a historical mystery from the award-winning author of the Thriller Award for Best Young Adult Novel.

1938. The Golden Age of Hollywood. Palm trees and movie stars. Film studios pumping out musicals, westerns, and gangster films at a furious pace. Everyone wants to be a star―except society girl and aspiring astronomer Kate Hildebrand, who’d rather study them in the night sky. She’s already famous after a childhood tragedy turned her into a newspaper headline. What she craves is stability.

But when Kate has to move to Hollywood to live with her washed-up silent film star grandfather, she walks into a murder scene and finds herself on the front page again. She suspects one of the young men boarding in her grandfather’s run-down mansion is the killer―maybe even her grandfather. She searches for clues.

Now, Kate must discover the killer while working on the set of a musical―and falling in love. Will her stars align so she can catch the murderer and live the dream in Old Hollywood? Or will she find that she’s just chasing starlight? 

About the Author:

Teri Bailey Black is happiest when she’s creating things, whether it’s with words, fabric, or digging in the garden. Her debut novel, Girl at the Grave, won the Thriller Award for Best Young Adult Novel, and the Whitney Award for Best Debut and Best Young Adult Novel. Her second novel, Chasing Starlight, will be published June 2020. She and her husband have four children and live in Orange County, California.

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Chasing Starlight Review:

This was a delightful murder mystery set in the 1930s that reminded me of the various Agatha Christie novels I loved.

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Kate is wonderful in the lead. I thought she was a very interesting character because of what she went through when she was 13, and how it affects her in the present. In fact, all the boarders (and even Bonnie) are unique and interesting with distinguished personalities. Moreover, I loved Ollie and his relationship with Kate. Even though he is the prime suspect, I felt they both shared a wonderful bond. I also liked Kate’s romance with Hugo. Both of them were adorable together. To be honest, I did not even like Hugo when he was initially introduced. However, I grew to like him a lot after his interactions with Kate. The author progresses the characters so well that you see Kate accepting the unpredictability of life. 

At the same time, the author paints the background in a beautiful manner where you feel like you are in the 1930s. I loved all the references she makes to Cary Grant, Arthur Conan Doyle and Charlie Chaplin. After reading this book, I binged watched the classic dance of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers and fell in love with them. I also like how she managed to blend the character development and the murder mystery very seamlessly. 

My only criticism about the story is that is starts off a bit slow. The first 25-30% focuses on setting up the characters and the plot. Personally, the story picked up only after the murder. Also, I really like Reuben and Bonnie but didn’t see much of them in the story.

But overall, I enjoyed reading this story a lot. Now back to Fred and Ginger. 


Giveaway is open to International. | Must be 13+ to Enter
–  5 Winners will receive a Copy of CHASING STARLIGHT by Teri Bailey Black.
– 1 Winner will receive a Copy of CHASING STARLIGHT and Shirt.

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Book Tour Schedule

Chasing Starlight

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Chasing Starlight by Teri Bailey Black Blog Tour hosted by JeanbookNerd. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!

11th AUGUST –  TUESDAY –  A Court of Coffee and Books  – REVIEW
11th AUGUST –  TUESDAY –  MetalPhantasmReads REVIEW
12th AUGUST –  WEDNESDAY –  BookHounds YA  – REVIEW
12th AUGUST –  WEDNESDAY –  Movies, Shows, & Books  – EXCERPT
13th AUGUST –  THURSDAY –  Gwendalyn’s Books  – REVIEW
13th AUGUST –  THURSDAY –  PopTheButterfly Reads  – REVIEW
14th AUGUST –   FRIDAY –  Twirling Book Princess  – EXCERPT
14th AUGUST –   FRIDAY – J Long Books  – REVIEW
17th AUGUST –  MONDAY –  Ya It’s Lit  – REVIEW
18th AUGUST – TUESDAY  – Rajiv’s Reviews  – REVIEW
18th AUGUST – TUESDAY  – Book Briefs  – REVIEW
19th AUGUST –  WEDNESDAY –  Two Points of Interest  – REVIEW
19th AUGUST –  WEDNESDAY  – Here’s to Happy Endings  – REVIEW
20th AUGUST – THURSDAY –  Nay’s Pink Bookshelf  – REVIEW
20th AUGUST – THURSDAY –  Port Jericho  – REVIEW
21st AUGUST –  FRIDAY –  A Dream Within A Dream  – REVIEW
21st AUGUST –  FRIDAY –  Reading Adventures of a Book Dragon  – REVIEW

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