The Memory of Souls (A Chorus of Dragons #3) by Jenn Lyons

The Memory of Souls

The Memory of Souls (A Chorus of Dragons #3) by Jenn Lyons

Release: August 25th 2020
Format: Hardcover
Publisher: Tor Books
Source: JeanBookNerd
Find it at: Amazon, B&N, Book Depository __



Now that the city of Atrine has been destroyed and Relos Var’s plan to free the dark god Vol Karoth has been revealed—the end of the world is closer than ever.

To buy time for humanity, Kihrin, Janel, and Thurvishar must convince the king of the Manol vané to perform an ancient ritual that will strip the vané of their immortality—a ritual that certain vané will do anything to prevent. Thus assassinating the ones bringing the news.

Worse, Kihrin must come to terms with the horrifying possibility that his connection to Vol Karoth is steadily growing in strength. But how can Kihrin hope to save anyone when he might turn out to be the greatest threat of them all?

A Chorus of Dragons series
The Ruin of Kings
The Name of All Things
The Memory of Souls

About the Author:

Jenn Lyons lives in Atlanta, Georgia, with her husband, three cats. She has a lot of opinions on anything from the Sumerian creation myths to the correct way to make a martini. At various points in her life, she has wanted to be an archaeologist, anthropologist, architect, diamond cutter, fashion illustrator, graphic designer, or Batman. Turning from such obvious trades, she is now a video game producer by day. Also, Jenn spends her evenings writing science fiction and fantasy. When not writing, she can be founding debating the Oxford comma and Joss Whedon’s oeuvre at various local coffee shops.

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The Memory of Souls Review:

To be honest, I haven’t had this much fun reading an epic fantasy series since A Song of Ice and Fire.

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It’s so hard to write this review without giving away spoilers. To start off, I have to say that I truly love the author’s style of writing. She completely immerses you in the story and makes the characters so complex that you feel like rooting for all of them (including the ‘villains’). I also love the footnotes! My favorite team aka Kihrin, Janel and Thurvishar are back! As with the previous novels, I loved the snarky, sarcastic sense of humor between the characters.

Similar to the previous books, the world building, characters, situations and battles are simply amazing! New characters are introduced, and existing characters further detailed. You get Gods, Demons, dragons, immortals, undead, fae and much more! Moreover, the romance and politics in this story are more prominent that the previous books. In fact, what stood out in this book was how the characters grow and become complex in terms of their identity, sexuality and nature. At the same time, the author also raises the stakes as everyone starts to fight to save the end of the World. The battles are gripping and I was at the edge of my seat.

Truly, I loved this book so much that I honestly couldn’t find anything to criticize on. I laughed, cried, shocked, scared and entertained in every way. Also, I am so excited that two more books are coming as part of the series. I read the three books back to back over the last few days, and it is truly an unforgettable experience! Overall, even if you are not a fan of epic fantasy, you must read the series.


–Giveaway is open to International. | Must be 13+ to Enter
– 3 Winners will receive the Set of 3 Books (A Chorus of Dragons Series) by Jenn Lyons.

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The Memory of Souls

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the The Memory of Souls (A Chorus of Dragons #3) by Jenn Lyons Blog Tour hosted by JeanBookNerd. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!

Book Tour Schedule
24th AUGUST –  JeanBookNerd –  INTERVIEW
25th AUGUST –  Kait Plus Books –  EXCERPT
26th AUGUST –  Port Jericho –  REVIEW
26th AUGUST –  Movies, Shows, & Books  – EXCERPT
27th AUGUST –  Rajiv’s Reviews  – REVIEW
28th AUGUST –  BookHounds  – INTERVIEW
28th AUGUST –  A Dream Within A Dream  – EXCERPT
31st AUGUST –  Ya It’s Lit  – REVIEW
1st SEPTEMBER  –  Nay’s Pink Bookshelf  – REVIEW
1st SEPTEMBER –  PopTheButterfly Reads  – REVIEW
2nd SEPTEMBER –  Sometimes Leelynn Reads  – REVIEW
3rd SEPTEMBER –  The Bookwyrm’s Den  – REVIEW
3rd SEPTEMBER –  Gwendalyn’s Books  – REVIEW
4th SEPTEMBER  –  Al Alalhambra  – REVIEW

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