Snowflakes Over Bay Tree Terrace by Fay Keenan

Snowflakes Over Bay Tree Terrace

Snowflakes Over Bay Tree Terrace by Fay Keenan

Release: August 20, 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Boldwood Books
Source: Rachel’s Random Resources
Find it at:  Amazon



As the snowflakes fall over Bay Tree terrace, new love blossoms…
When teacher Florence Ashton receives a surprise inheritance, she decides to make the life-changing decision to up sticks to the charming town of Willowbury in Somerset. With a new house and a new job, she’s too busy putting down roots to think about love.

Air Ambulance pilot Sam Ellis is definitely not looking for romance either, especially not on his doorstep. When Florence, his new neighbour, complains about his noisy housemate, he feels more cross than star-crossed.
But as the nights draw in and both find themselves thrown together in Willowbury’s seasonal drama production, will they overcome their differences and allow a little bit of winter magic to fall along with the snow? And what secrets will be revealed by the box of memories Florence finds in the attic at Bay Tree Terrace?

Let Fay Keenan transport you to the perfect country winter wonderland, with roaring fires, spectacular scenery, and unforgettable characters. Perfect for all fans of Cathy Bramley, Fern Britton and Katie Fforde.

About the Author:

Fay Keenan is the author of the bestselling Little Somerby series of novels. She has led writing workshops with Bristol University and has been a visiting speaker in schools. She is a full-time teacher and lives in Somerset..

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Snowflakes Over Bay Tree Terrace Review:

I love books that give me a cozy, warm feeling, and Snowflakes Over Bay Tree Terrace did that perfectly!

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To begin with, this is one of those books where I loved the characters as a couple, rather than themselves. Initially, I found Florence to be quite stubborn and set in her ‘school teacher’ ways even in her personal life. Sam also felt like a difficult guy to connect with, as he keeps his emotions bottled up. However, I loved their chemistry together. Their romance is so adorable and it was fun to see if they will/won’t be together.

Moreover, the supporting characters are endearing and I loved them all. Specifically, I loved Aiden! I thought the author did a wonderful job in highlighting his struggles. Both Sam and Aiden deal with their own struggles, and it was nice to see Florence in the mix. Also, Josie was another favorite character and I loved her friendship with Florence. She lightens up the entire story with her opinions and advice. In fact, I even liked Tom and his snobbish mannerisms.

The author setup the story against the beautiful backdrop of Willowbury. I loved the idyllic town set during winter season, and wished I resided in such a place. Surprisingly, I also found the setting of the Air Ambulance Services fascinating. I have not read much on the topic and I really admire the author for doing research and incorporating it in the plot.

Overall, this is one of those book that sets the mood for the festive season. If you are looking for a good, cozy romance, then I would recommend this book!

Book Tour Schedule

Snowflakes Over Bay Tree Terrace

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Snowflakes Over Bay Tree Terrace by Fay Keenan Blog Tour hosted by Rachel’s Random Resources.

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