A Reunion at Mulberry Lane by Rosie Clarke

A Reunion at Mulberry Lane by Rosie Clarke

Release: August 27th 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Boldwood Books
Source: Rachel’s Random Resources
Find it at: Amazon, AudibleB&N



A brand NEW festive read from Rosie Clarkes’ bestselling Mulberry Lane series.

1949: Peggy and Able Ronoscki’s seaside cafe in Devon is thriving and their twins Fay and Freddie are growing up fast. To pursue her daughter’s destiny, Fay must train in London and Peggy is in a dilemma of moving the family back to London once more.

Meanwhile, Peggy’s elder daughter Janet has her own troubles. She fears her husband is having an affair and Is desperately unhappy. Peggy is torn two ways and can only hope that a reunion with her friends at Christmas can help resolve her problems.

About the Author:

Rosie Clarke is a #1 bestselling saga writer whose most recent books include The Mulberry Lane series.  She has written over 100 novels under different pseudonyms and is a RNA Award winner.  She lives in Cambridgeshire.

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A Reunion at Mulberry Lane by Rosie Clarke Review:

A Reunion at Mulberry Lane is a charming family drama set during the Christmas season, and I liked it a lot.

Before I start talking about how I enjoyed the story, I will mention the reason for my 4 star rating. This is partially my fault, but I did not read the previous books in the series. Hence, it took a lot of time for me to form the connections between the characters. There are a LOT of characters spanning across different generations, along with multiple plots, and I got into the groove only after around 30% into the book. In fact, I drew a family tree while I was reading so I wouldn’t lose track.

However, once I got the hang of the story-line, it was extremely entertaining. Coronation Street was my go-to soap opera back in the 2000s, and this story made me nostalgic of my soaps. The story is very dramatic, where you have the archetype lovable couple Peggy and Able. I adored these two as the staple couple.

Similarly, the author does a beautiful job highlighting the trials and tribulations of the other couples. I enjoyed Sheila and Pip’s relationship revolving around her pregnancy scare. Also. I liked the story-line between Tom, Rose and the conniving Jim (who made an entertaining villain). However, I think my favorite story-line was Janet and Ryan and how they try to survive their relationship after his secret comes out. I liked this story-line because the author beautifully showed how their scandals affected their daughter Maggie. Moreover, I liked the plot around Shirley and her innocent young love for Richard.

The author has a beautiful style of writing family drama and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. Had I read the earlier novels, I would have loved it even more. 

Book Tour Schedule

A Reunion in Mulberry Lane

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the A Reunion at Mulberry Lane by Rosie Clarke Blog Tour hosted by Rachel’s Random Resources. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!



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