Nasty Business by Gillian Godden

Nasty Business

Nasty Business by Gillian Godden

Release: July 11th 2019
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Independently published
Source: Love BooksTours
Find it at: Amazon UK, Amazon



Tony Lambrianu is bold, daring and ruthless, qualities that have propelled him and Jake Sinclair up the ladder in London’s sleazy but lucrative underworld.

And, now that he’s running a fancy West End nightclub, Tony has new-found celebrity status. With a never-ending string of gorgeous women on his arm, he’s become the darling of the tabloids. However, despite his success, he still feels he lacks the respect and the status he deserves. The little boy who lived on the streets is never far away.

Desperate for recognition, he wants to achieve more and more. Most of all, he craves the acceptance of Ralph Gold and to become a bigger part of his extensive web of organised crime.

Fearlessly facing up to enemies, winning battles and becoming the undisputed bosses of the London underworld can be a nasty business, but it’s the only business Tony and Jake know. And they’ll stop at nothing to succeed.

 Author Bio:

My name is Gillian Godden an Indie author and a full time NHS Key worker at a local inner city medical centre in East Hull, East Yorkshire, England. My duty of care is to my patients especially during the current pandemic.

On a more personal note , I grew up in a large family and am the youngest of 7 siblings. Over the years we have lost touch as life moves on. I lived in London for over 30 years and during this time I worked in various London stripper pubs and venues. I have a grown up son who now lives and works in London as a hematology lab technician. He has been working on the Covid 19 testing and this has been a worrying time for us as a family.

My NHS colleagues supported my writing and encouraged me to continue to write though I lost in a competition earler. However my costly experience with a Vanity publisher gave me a platform to showcase my first book Francesca on Amazon and in the online book clubs.The response from public was overwhelming with people wanting to know more about the successful  characters like Tony Lambrianu  in the London Gangland crime world.

To answer their questions I wrote Dangerous games and Nasty business. These also were successfully received and  in order to complete the series I wrote Dirty Dealings.
My readers are still interested in the characters and more information on the lives of Julie and Ralph Gold. So I am now writing Gold, the story of Julie and Ralph. Although this is a standalone book readers  will soon be able to find out more about Julie and Ralphs life and how they met.

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Nasty Business Review:


Nasty Business

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Nasty Business by Gillian Godden Blog Tour hosted by Love BooksTours

Book Tour Schedule

Abbi Reads xx – 31st Aug
Manic Mumdays – 31st Aug
The Book Reader – 1st Sept 
B for Book Review – 1st Sept
Daisy Says – 2nd Sept 
Bookish Bursnoll – 2nd Sept
Book Loving Science Teacher – 3rd Sept 
Dash Fan Book Reviews – 3rd Sept 
Neville Louise – 3rd Sept
Jane Hunt Writer – 4th Sept
Rajiv’s Reviews – 5th Sept 
Vicky Book and Family – 5th Sept
Chocolate ’N’ Waffles – 6th Sept 

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