The Year Shakespeare Ruined My Life

The Year Shakespeare Ruined My Life by Dani Jansen

Release: September 22, 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Second Story Press
Source: TBR & Beyond Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, B&N, TBD, Indigo



Alison Green, desperate valedictorian-wannabe, agrees to produce her school’s production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. That’s her first big mistake. The second is accidentally saying Yes to a date with her oldest friend, Jack, even though she’s crushing on Charlotte. However, Alison manages to stay positive, even when her best friend starts referring to the play as “Ye Olde Shakespearean Disaster.” Alison must cope with the misadventures that befall the play if she’s going to survive the year. She’ll also have to grapple with what it means to be “out” and what she might be willing to give up for love.

About the Author:

Dani Jansen is a teacher and writer who lives in Montreal. She should probably be embarrassed to admit that she has performed as part of her school’s Glee Club for eight years. Also, she should probably be ashamed to tell people that she named her cats after punctuation symbols (Ampersand and Em-Dash, in case you’re curious).

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The Year Shakespeare Ruined My Life  Review:

Reading this book was like getting a cozy, warm hug from a loved one; it lightens your mood and makes you feel good.

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All the characters stand out in their own manner. Alison is wonderful in the lead. I loved her strive to be perfect in whatever she did. Similarly, I loved her family too. It was so endearing to read how supportive her parents and Annie are of her. Also, Charlotte is amazing and I loved her relationship with Alison. Moreover, the author develops some of the characters nicely that changed my perspective of them. For instance, I really disliked Ben in the beginning, but as the story progressed, I started to like him too.

At the same time, the author also wrote the story in such a humorous, feel-good and quirky manner. I loved the overall theme to try your best, but it is OK if you are not perfect and make mistakes along the way. Similarly, here are so many moments that I just adored in the story. Jack and Alison sharing a date with Becca, Alison consoling Ben, the theater mafia, and of course the entire setup of the school play. I also laughed out loud during the warm up exercises.

However, my only minor gripe is that there is a lot happening, so we don’t go deeper with the characters. For example, I thought Zach and Jenny were interesting, but they came only for a few minutes. Even Becca and Jack are prominent in the beginning, but are hardly seen in the second half. The story would have been perfect if the author focused more on the characters.

Overall, I loved reading this book! It made me want to pick up A Midsummer Night’s Dream and read it.

Giveaway (US/Canada Only):

Two Finished Copies of The Year Shakespeare Ruined My Life. The giveaway ends on September 15th.

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The Year Shakespeare Ruined My Life

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the The Year Shakespeare Ruined My Life by Dani Jansen Blog Tour hosted by TBR & Beyond Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!


September 7th
TBR and Beyond – Welcome Post
Sophie’s Reading Corner – Review & Dreamcast
The Writer’s Alley – Review & Playlist

September 8th
Unconventional Quirky Bibliophile – Review
Between Folded Pages – Review
The Book Dutchesses – Review & Favourite Quotes
Colleen Is Booked – Review & Creative Post

September 9th
Nikkie Reads – Review
Chapter Charms – Review & Creative Post
Her Book Thoughts – Review & Playlist

September 10th
Yna the Mood Reader – Review & Favourite Quotes
Rambling Mads – Review
And On She Reads – Review & Playlist
Wonder Struck – Review

September 11th
Kait Plus Books – Interview
Rajiv’s Reviews – Review
AlwaysReiding – Review & Creative Post

September 12th
Dini Panda Reads – Review
Reading On A Star – Review
Stocked Up on Starbooks – Review & Playlist
Young at Heart Reader – Review & Moodboard

September 13th
Reading Robyn – Review
Basement Bookcase – Review & Favourite Quotes
Fangirl Pixie Blog – Review & Playlist

September 14th
Mel And Her Books – Review
The Clever Reader – Review
Belle’s Archive – Review & Interview


September 7th
TBR and Beyond (Promo Post)
Fictitious Wonderland (Review)
Young at Heart Reader (Promo Post)
The Writer’s Alley (Promo Post)
The Clever Reader (Promo Post)

September 8th
Unconventional Quirky Bibliophile (Promo Post)
Pagcturncr (Promo Post)
Kathreadsya (Review)
The Book Dutchesses (Promo Post)
Colleen is Booked (Promo Post)
Between Folded Pages (Promo Post)
Fangirl Pixie Blog (Promo Post)

September 9th
Mixed_Matched_Socks (Review)
Her Book Thoughts (Promo Post)
Chapter Charms (Promo Post)
Kait Plus Books (Promo Post)
Dinipandareads (Promo Post)
AlwaysReiding (Promo Post)

September 10th
Shelf Blame (Review)
Sophie’s Reading Corner (Promo Post)
Mel And Her Books (Promo Post)
Rajiv’s Reviews (Promo Post)
Wonder Struck (Promo Post)
Yna the Mood Reader (Promo Post)
And On She Reads (Promo Post)

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