Summer’s End

Summer’s End by Kristy Brown

Release: 30 Aug. 2018
Format: Ebook
Publisher: MuseItUp Publishing
Source: Random Things Tours
Find it at: Amazon UK



She wakes up in the hospital, badly burned with no identity.With his training, he will kill her before she burns the world to ashes. When they finally meet, will he kill her now that he has a feeling for her? There is a predestined fate and a set prophecy that forbids a love between them.

Author Bio:

I’m Kristy and I live in the U.K. I have always written short stories and poetry. I went to university to study acting which I loved, but my real passion has always been writing. So now I write the kind of stories I would have wanted to read as a teen. “Kiera’s Quest-Awakenings” is my first ebook. There are four in the teen fantasy series, ‘Sacrifices,’ ‘Perceptions,’ and ‘Choices.'( Muse It Up Publishing.) Kiera’s Quest is now also available in paperback, book one includes the first two e-books, and book two (paperback) will be out 2020. My YA contemporary romance book, “Just Sam,” Is available on Amazon in print & on Kindle as is my YA/ New Adult fairy tale retelling, ‘Cinderfella.’

I dreamt the lead male character in”Summer’s End,” a YA Paranormal romance series, published again with with ‘Muse It Up Publishing.’ Alex was so real and vivid that I had to write him.This title is also available in print and e-book. Book two of this series “Summer’s Lost” is out December 2019. I’m currently editing book three to this series. I love reading YA angels,vamps etc. I love my kids and hopefully one day they will enjoy my crazy tales!

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Summer’s End Review:

I love reading a good paranormal YA novel, and Summer’s End turned out to be really good!

The first thing that drew me was the concept between Summer and Dooney. I always love reading a story that revolves around an amnesiac, and both the characters played the part so well. Even her ‘friends’, Coral and Persia are wonderful in keeping her past a mystery. Moreover, I loved Summer and Dooney’s chemistry. Even though they don’t remember their past with each other, I enjoyed their connection. Andie turned out to be one of my favorite characters as well, and I loved her reaction when she finds out who Summer and her friends are. The author wrote the characters in such a gripping manner that you immediately like them. Moreover, I loved how the story ended, where you feel satisfied with the book as a standalone, yet the author hints at a possible sequel. The back story of Summer’s history is also amazing!

However, there were a few parts which could be better. I really enjoyed the way the story starts and ends, but the pacing was slightly slow in the middle. There are few instances where Summer and Dooney keep bumping into one another, where she has a sudden reaction. But, after a while this felt a tad repetitious. Also, there is a lot of buildup for Lennox but we only see him shortly towards the end. On a personal note, I also really liked Kit and thought she was complex, and would have liked to seen more of her dynamic with Dooney. Perhaps we will read about them in the continuation?

Apart from that, this book was so entertaining! I really enjoyed it and can’t wait to read the next installment.

Book Tour Schedule

Summer’s End

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Summer’s End by Kristy Brown Blog Tour hosted by Random Things Tours.

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