The Awakening of Claudia Faraday

The Awakening of Claudia Faraday

The Awakening of Claudia Faraday by Patsy Trench

Release: August 16th 2019
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Prefab Publications
Source: Rachel’s Random Resources
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, B&N,TBD



‘It got better, in time. In fact, she felt this as her duty like homework. When you finish it well, it is  just satisfying but never exactly enjoyable. Nobody had ever suggested it could be otherwise.’

Claudia Faraday, 1920s respectable wife and mother of three viewed this way, on the subject of sex. That is until an unexpected turn of events shook her out of her lethargy and propelled her back into the world revitalized and reawakened.  As Marie Stopes says: Approached in the right way, as she discovers, even homework can be fun.

About the Author:

Patsy Trench lives a quiet and largely respectable life in north London. Claudia’s story shows a side of her normally shy and reserved nature that is little known, even to her friends and acquaintances. Her previous books, about her family’s history in Australia, are entertaining and informative accounts of that country’s early colonial beginnings. She began writing late, and in a previous life she was an actress, scriptwriter, playscout, founder of The Children’s Musical Theatre of London and lyricist. When not writing books she emerges from her shell to teach theatre and organise theatre trips for overseas students. She is the grateful mother of two clever and grown-up children, and she is addicted to rag rugging and, when current circumstances permit, fossicking on the Thames foreshore for ancient treasure.

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The Awakening of Claudia Faraday Review:

This was an interesting story about a woman spicing her love life in the 1920s, and I enjoyed reading it!

I really liked the characters in the story. Dougie and Claudia make a cute couple and I liked their chemistry. It was fun to see if Claudia would give in to her temptation and take the next step with him. Moreover, I also like Claudia’s interactions with her daughters. Each daughter had a contrasting personality that set them apart, and it was nice to see how they got along with Claudia. Personally, I thought Harriet was a complex character and the author wrote her very nicely. Similarly, Prue turned out to be one of those characters you love to hate. Both Harriet and Prue spiced up the story in a good manner. I also liked the small mystery surrounding who Perceveral was. Additionally, even though Gerald appears briefly, I liked him as he did the honorable thing.

The only reason why I did not give this 5 stars is because the story surprised me by how sexual it got. Usually when you pick a historical fiction taking place in the 1920s, you don’t expect it to be so raunchy. The story felt very modern for my taste and for some reasons I couldn’t picture the characters behaving that way during that era. There are swingers, gay relations and infidelity highlighted in the story. I would have loved the story if the author set the tale in modern times.

But, apart from that, this was delightful to read and I like to see how the series continues.

Book Tour Schedule

The Awakening of Claudia Faraday

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the The Awakening of Claudia Faraday by Patsy Trench Blog Tour hosted by Rachel’s Random Resources.

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