Tipping Point by Michelle Cook

Tipping Point

Tipping Point by Michelle Cook

Release: September 22nd 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Darkstroke Books
Source: Rachel’s Random Resources
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon UK,



A tale of loss, manipulation, and the search for the truth

What would you risk to turn back the tide?

Essie Glass might have been a typical eighteen-year-old – had life not dealt her an early blow. Struggling to come to terms with the loss of her family in a terrorist attack, and left with nothing, Essie’s not kidding herself about her world. She wants change, and she’ll be honest about it, whatever the cost. From behind her keyboard, that is…

After all, this is England, 2035. Earth’s climate continues its accelerating collapse. A powerful elite controls the disaster-weary population with propaganda, intimidation, and constant surveillance.

By all appearances, Alex Langford is a respected local businessman – until Essie discovers that he’s a murderous conspirator who’d see the planet die for his fortune.

When their paths collide, Essie must decide: how much is she really willing to pay for her honesty?

Her choices, and the events she sets in motion, pit her against both enemies and supposed friends as she risks more than just her life to thwart them.

Will she succeed in revealing the truth? And will she survive?

About the Author:

Michelle lives in Worcestershire, UK, with her husband Daniel, their two young children, and a cat called Lyra Belacqua. By day, she works for the NHS, a job which she has almost as much passion for as fiction.
Her first joyful steps into creative writing were at the age of ten, when the teacher read out her short story in class. A slapstick tale of two talking kangaroos breaking out of a zoo, the work was sadly lost to history. Still, Michelle never forgot the buzz of others enjoying her words.
More recently, she has had several flash pieces published, was long-listed for the Cambridge 2020 prize for flash fiction, and placed first in the February 2020 Writers’ Forum competition with her short story The Truth About Cherry House. Tipping Point is her debut novel.

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Tipping Point Review:

Tipping Point was a gripping adventure with a nice concept, and I enjoyed it.

Firstly, I liked how the author paints a very grim dystopian version of the near future. Although the world is constructed for a fiction story, it felt as though I was looking into our future. It gave the story a very dark and atmospheric tone, which affected me more than I thought.

Moreover, the story has many action packed scenes with various twists that you do expect. The story gets exciting when Essie and Maya escape the police when placing the banner. I also liked the volatile tension between Gabe and Essie when they try to defame Langford’s house. Also, there are a few shocking deaths that I did not expect. The author keeps you on your toes as Essie tries to figure out who she can trust as the story countdowns towards the possession of the prototype.

Similarly, I liked Essie in the role. She is not perfect, but it was nice to see how she gets on board with the mission.  Seth is wonderful as Essie’s friend and I liked how he always supported her. Another person who I really liked was Kerry. I thought she was very complex, as even though she is manipulative, I felt sorry for her at times. I also liked Maya a lot and wished she had stayed longer in the story.

However, at times it felt like there were too many characters on canvas. For instance, I didn’t see any reason to have people like Brian or Toby because they only appear for a few scenes and did not have any impact. Apart from that, this was a gripping read and quite memorable.

Book Tour Schedule

Tipping Point

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Tipping Point by Michelle Cook Blog Tour hosted by Rachel’s Random Resources.

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