The Unravelling

The Unravelling by Liz Treacher

Release: July 13th 2020
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Skelbo Press
Source: Love Books Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon UK



A cappuccino.’ He spoke clearly but slowly, as if he were a stranger here.
‘One shot or two?’
He gazed at me with thinly veiled contempt. ‘Oh, only one shot.’

For Ella Aldridge, a brilliant Classics student, was expecting an excited life. Thirty years on, she’s still in the suburbs in a boring job and a failing marriage. Even her daughter, the one she gave it all up for, seems distant.

But a sinister encounter on platform three is about to change everything. Ella comes under the watchful eye of a shadowy ticket inspector and his mysterious associate. She finds herself spiralling into a murky underworld where portentous signs appear from nowhere, memory sticks store her thoughts, and speeding express trains may be more than they seem. As she begins to lose her grip on reality, Ella embarks on an extraordinary journey that touches everyone around her, forcing her to confront the biggest question of all.

By turns poignant, chilling and tinged with dark humour, The Unravelling is a novel full of heart and beauty, about the myth and magic of everyday life, and the sacrifices we make for what really matters.

About the Author:

Liz is a writer and a Creative Writing Tutor. She has already written two romantic comedies, set in 1920, called The Wrong Envelope and The Wrong Direction. Her third novel, The Unravelling, published by Skelbo Press is a new departure into a darker, contemporary style. When not writing or teaching, Liz works as an art photographer and a love of images inspires her writing. She is married with two children and lives in the Scottish Highlands by the sea.

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The Unravelling Review:

This is my kind of book! I love a good psychological thriller with an eclectic cast, and this story had it all.

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The author narrates the tale in such a compelling way that you cannot put it down. I honestly could not figure out if Ella is going mad or if there is actually a conspiracy taking place. What’s interesting is that the story doesn’t revolve only on Ella and her family. As the story progresses, you see the mystery spread to the supporting cast. You have the creepy stranger in the leather jacket who meets Patricia, and the mystery person who comments about the customers in the café. The story is just eerie throughout where you keep guessing what is happening.

Moreover, the main characters, Ella, Derek or Brenda are all drawn out in such a manner that you can relate to them. Each of them face their own inner demons and turmoil, and it was so interesting to see how their storylines merged towards the climax. Nigel is awesome as the devious villain. Similarly, Donna and Ken are characters you just love to hate. On a side note, I enjoyed the connection Ella has with Abdul and his experiences as a refugee.

However, the only thing that threw me off was how the author concludes it. While I love stories that allow readers to interpret their own conclusion, there were a few issues which remained unexplained. This is one of those books I would definitely re-read to see if I can pick out something new from the story each time.

But, overall, this was a wonderfully atmospheric book that just kept me on my toes.

The Unravelling

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the The Unravelling by Liz Treacher Blog Tour hosted by Love Books Tours.


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