Life in the Chastity Zone by Holly Brandon

Life in the Chastity Zone

Life in the Chastity Zone (Chastity Series) by Holly Brandon

Release: April 3rd 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Independently published
Source: Love Books Tours
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Thirty-year-old Chastity (Chase) Morgan has always dreamed of her fairytale life—the perfect career, wedding, marriage, family, and on and on. A structural engineer, Chase is brilliant in her line of work, but keeping to her moniker, she is as chaste as they come. Although she doesn’t know the first thing about love and dating, everything changes when she meets Grant Stevens.

Wedding bells appear to be right around the corner until he unceremoniously abandons her for another. Though upset, Chase determines to find a way to move on. Little does she know that there are sinister plans  to squash her hopes and dreams. While a psychic medium comes to her aide, it’s uncertain whether or not Chastity will follow the clairvoyant’s advice. Only time will tell if she’ll choose between throwing away her virginity and diving full force into the dating world, or clinging to her fairytale life plan.

About the Author:

Holding a Ph.D., M.S., and B.S. in Civil Engineering, every one knows Holly for her published works in the Journal of Earthquakes, Earthquake Engineering, and Engineering Vibrations and Earthquake Science. Unbelievable as it may appear, many of the scenes in Life in the Chastity Zone are her  true-life experiences. Holly invites readers to follow Chastity on her crazy and hilarious adventures in her search for love and happiness. With more to come, Life in the Chastity Zone is the first in an unforgettable, brand-new Chastity Zone series.

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Life in the Chastity Zone Review:

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This is definitely one of the funniest romantic comedies I have read this year which had me in tears.

Chastity is wonderful is the flaky, funny, sarcastic woman whose luck is not with her. You cannot help but love her. I loved her interactions with Brent and her family. In fact, I loved the entire family, whether it is Uncle Herb, Aunt Kate and Henry. Similarly ‘Asson’ is very annoying and a character I despised. The author wrote the characters in personal manner. Also, considering that this book is a bit lengthy, I felt like I spent a lot of time with the characters and got to know them very well.

Moreover, the author has a wonderful talent for writing romantic comedy, emphasizing on the comedy. I don’t think I laughed out so much recently like I did with this story. There are so many hilarious moments like when Chase goes to the penis museum in Paris, or the conversations she has with Mr. Wellington and Professor Feldman to resume her course.

However, my only minor complaint was how strongly Chase reacts to Grant’s news. True, he hid the truth about his sexuality from her. But he did tell her the truth and tried his best to make amends. I just felt like she was too harsh on him. Also, the story did feel a bit lengthy at times, with some unnecessary plots. While I loved Chastity and her adventures in the novel, I felt like the story itself could be split into two books.

Apart from that, this was a hilarious, heart-warming tale which I thoroughly enjoyed. I cannot wait to see how it continues in the following book.

Book Tour Schedule

Life in the Chastity Zone

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Life in the Chastity Zone by Holly Brandon Blog Tour hosted by Love Books Tours.

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