The Charmed Life of Alex Moore by Molly Flatt

Alex Moore

The Charmed Life of Alex Moore by Molly Flatt
Release: May 3rd 2018
Format: Kindle
Publisher: Macmillan
Source: Netgalley

Alex Moore


The Charmed Life of Alex Moore Synopsis:

How would you feel if everything in your life suddenly started to go . . . right? Six months ago, Alex Moore was stuck in a dead-end job, feeling her potential quietly slip away. Then, seemingly overnight, she launched her dream start-up and became one of London’s fastest rising tech stars. At thirty-one, her life has just begun. But Alex’s transformation isn’t easy for those around her. Her friends are struggling to accept her rapid success, her parents worry she’s burning out and her fiancé is getting cold feet.

Then weird things start to happen. Muggings, stalkers – even a wild claim that she murdered a stranger. But when Alex visits the Orkney Islands to recharge, weird turns into WTF. Because there she discovers the world’s oldest secret – and it’s a secret that Alex’s stratospheric rise has royally messed up.



A BIG Thank You to Netgalley and Macmillan for providing me a copy of “The Charmed Life of Alex Moore” by Molly Flatt in exchange for my review.I honestly had mixed feelings about this book.

What I liked: The overall concept. I enjoyed how the plot significantly changes when Alex enters the island. The plot becomes very science-fiction like and I enjoyed the author’s idea behind it. Would we really want to remove our darkest memories that’s holding us back from our minds to become a better person? I enjoyed the overall theme of the novel.

There are also a lot of twists and turns that make you wonder what will happen next. People are not who they seem, and I was genuinely shocked to find out who the villain was. There are some characters who I found very intriguing, like Iain and Freya, and I wanted to read more about them.

What I disliked: *POSSIBLE SPOILERS ahead* I think what bothered me most was the sudden love interest between Alex and Finn. After covering around 70% of the book, I imagined they only maintained a sibling like relationship. However, towards the end they suddenly fall for each other? I couldn’t buy into this unexpected romance between the two.

Moreover, I really didn’t enjoy the author’s style of writing. It was exciting and fast paced at some moments, but for the most part, it seemed very wordy and trite without the story-line progressing in anyway. This 450 page book could have easily been shortened to 350 pages. For instance, the author spends an entire page describing a song that Alex and Finn hear on their way back to the island. Who cares?

Also, after reading this story, I’m still didn’t understand some of the concepts like stack and ‘freit’ and have trouble visualizing the whole Library. It also didn’t help that all the characters in the island’s surname is prefixed with Mac, making it very confusing to initially figure our who’s-who.
Overall, Alex Moore was a book that I had to force myself to complete for the most part. I think this would make an excellent TV adaptation for providers like Netflix. But, since I have more points to dislike like, I am giving it 2/5 stars.

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