Four Letter Feelings by Lasairiona E. McMaster

Four Letter Feelings

Four Letter Feelings (Jeremy Lewis #1) by Lasairiona E. McMaster

Release: July 28th 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Drama Llama Publishing
Source: Rachel’s Random Resources
Find it at: Amazon, Amazon UK



Jeremy Lewis has just returned from a year in Europe, ready to start college in Alabama and pursue his dream career in the National Hockey League. Other than boring school work, he’s eager to play hockey, hang out with his new teammates and may be even rekindle an old flame when Chelsea unexpectedly reappears in his life.
Generally, Life is looking pretty darn peachy.
But with the brutal murder of his parents in a mass shooting, his mere survival each day feels like an achievement. How can he get through college and keep his budding career on track when all he wants to do is drink and squander his parent’s fortune? Can he convince Chelsea he’s a changed man when he seems so intent on his own destruction?

About the Author:

Lasairiona McMaster writes sassy, classy and badassy women and strong, yet vulnerable men. She challenges reader’s expectations by openly dealing with mental health issues. Besides, she  often explores tough-to-handle topics and ‘taboos’ and books with a whole lotta heart.
She enjoys a gin and lemonade by the Irish sea, or baking sweet treats in her kitchen while singing at the top of her lungs. When she’s ‘home’ in Texas, she enjoys  eating fresh-popped popcorn while shopping in Target. Also you can find her at Chuys eating her body weight in chips and queso and washing it down with a margarita swirl.

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Four Letter Feelings Review:

There are so many facets to the storyline which I enjoyed, Jeremy is nice in the lead. He is down to earth, lives life like everyone else, and someone you can instantly connect with. Moreover, Jeremy and Jessica have sizzling chemistry. Their romance is refreshing, fresh and different. I loved Jessica’s direct approach. The author wrote her in a refreshing manner which beats the stereotypes and you wonder how both of them will turn out. I also liked Jeremy’s relationship with Chelsea.

The author tells the story in a charming manner. This is not just a romance novel between the two leads, but also on Jeremy’s friends and family as well. There are quite a few twists and turns in the second half which I did not expect, which turn’s Jeremy’s life around.

The supporting characters also add well to the story. I liked Jeremy’s friendship with AJ and Blake. One of my favorite scenes was when Jeremy’s time with his family for Christmas and emotional listening to the carols. The author also provides a brief history of the characters which I liked and I got to know them personally. On a side note, I also appreciate AJ explaining the symptoms of bipolar disorder in a simple manner and highlighting the issues. Blake is also adorable and it was nice to see a gay character in the storyline.

Probably the only minor thing which I did not like was the language. While I appreciate the author for making the character down to earth and realistic, I didn’t really care for some of the stereotyped ‘jock’ dialogues.

Apart from that, this was a very nice contemporary with the focus on a male ‘jock’ character.

Book Tour Schedule

Four Letter Feelings

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Four Letter Feelings by Lasairiona E. McMaster Blog Tour hosted by Rachel’s Random Resources.

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