The Cottage of New Beginnings by Suzanne Snow

The Cottage of New Beginnings

The Cottage of New Beginnings (Welcome to Thorndale, #1) by Suzanne Snow

Release: September 3rd 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Canelo Escape
Source: Rachel’s Random Resources
Find it atAmazon, Amazon UK



One crumbling cottage. One broken heart. A chance to start over?
When Annie returns to Thorndale, the village where she spent much of her childhood, she’s looking for a new start. All she wants to do is fix up the cottage her godmother left her, and fix up her broken heart.

However, when she clashes with local hero, Jon, Annie can’t help but wonder if coming back to Thorndale was a mistake.  For one thing, the village has clearly changed and the last thing she needs is more drama. But avoiding the distractingly handsome Jon is proving impossible, especially when Thorndale seems to be conspiring to throw them together…
Annie is looking for a fresh start with zero romance – but what if the only way to learn to trust again is to take a risk on love?
The perfect cosy romance for fans of Julie Houston, Victoria Walters and Trisha Ashley.

About the Author:

Suzanne lives in Lancashire with her family and loves to read. Amongst her favourite books are historical crime fiction and writers’ biographies. Suzanne enjoys cooking, walking, especially in the Lake District, and developing and planting gardens. She is a member of the Romantic Novelists Association and the Society of Authors..

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The Cottage of New Beginnings Review:

This was a sweet and charming story and a nice start to the series.

I enjoyed Annie and Jon in the lead. Both of them face their own challenges and want to move on in life. Moreover, the author writes the story in a beautiful manner where you really root for Annie. Those who have gone through heartbreaks know it is difficult to move on with the fear of going through the pain again. I could relate to Annie’s dilemma to move on with her life and open her heart. Similarly, Jon is also a very sweet character for being patient with her, and I found his background of missionary work in Kenya interesting.

The supporting characters are also sweet like Elizabeth, and Sam. Sam is wonderful as Annie’s friend and throws sense into her and boosts her confidence. The author also wrote the romance between the two leads very well. I particularly enjoyed the scenes where Jon stays with Annie during the storm, or when they go out on their dinner date and get to know one another.

However, I wish there had been a bit more drama in the storyline. At times, the story felt too sweet and good and a tad predictable. It would have been interesting if there was a negative character to spice up the role a bit. Towards the end of the story, Niamh appears as a potential negative character, but nothing materialized.

Apart from that, this was a nice breezy read. On a side note, I love the gorgeous cover. Overall, The Cottage of New Beginnings is a charming romance and a good beginning to the Thorndale series.

Book Tour Schedule

The Cottage of New Beginnings

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the The Cottage of New Beginnings by Suzanne Snow Blog Tour hosted by Rachel’s Random Resources



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