The Brief and True Report of Temperance Flowerdew

Temperance Flowerdew

The Brief and True Report of Temperance Flowerdew by Denise Heinze

Release: September 29, 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Blackstone Publishing
Source: HFV book Tours
Find it at:  Amazon, B&N, Indiebound



Temperance Flowerdew, the wife of Virginia’s first two governors is determined to set the historical record straight, and clear her conscience. Here she recounts the hardships that nearly brought the Jamestown colony to its knees, and the extraordinary sacrifice of her servant girl, Lily.

When she steps aboard the Falcon in 1609, Temperance Flowerdew was setting sail from England to the distant shores of America to embark upon a future of opportunity. She didn’t yet know how she would make her mark.  But in this new place she could do or be whatever she wanted.

While, she is willing to brave this new world, Temperance is totally  unprepared to survive the wilderness.  She only knows how to live inside the pages of adventure and philosophy books. A loyal Lily  befriends and helps Temperance weather pioneer life. Lily has a lifelong accusations of witchcraft.  Together, they forge paths within the community. Temperance attempts to advise the makeshift government, while Lily experiences the blossoming of first love.

But as the harsh winter approaches, Lily intuitively senses a darkness creep over the colony and the veneer of civilized life threatens to fall away . Also negotiations with the Indians grow increasingly hostile and provisions become scarce. Lily struggles to keep food on the table by foraging in the woods and being resourceful. Famine could mean the end of days. It’s up to Lily to save them both, but what sacrifice will be enough to survive?

About the Author:

Denise Heinze, a former literature professor and a PhD graduate of Duke University, writes fiction, nonfiction, and poetry.

She is the author of the novel Sally St. Johns and her work has appeared in Now and Then, Thought and Action, Reunions, Wow! Women on Writing, THEMA literary journal, and Gemini Magazine; her story The Grid, was a quarter-finalist for the Ghost Story Supernatural Fiction Award.

The Brief and True Report of Temperance Flowerdew is her second novel and was a finalist for the University of New Orleans Press Publishing Lab Prize. A descendant of Louisa May Alcott, she lives in North Carolina

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Temperance Flowerdew Review:

This is the first book I read that surrounds the Jamestown settlement, and it fascinated me.

The author writes the story in a nice manner where few passages are in the form of journal entries of Temperance. She also switches the focus from Temperance to other members of the settlement. At times, we also get the perspective from the natives. There are many moments that stand out in the story. Some of the scenes are packed with action, like the siege where the settlers get attacked. I was at the edge of my seat when Lily traps Bruce with the mushrooms after the way he treats her.  I also enjoyed some storylines, like the one between Henry and Priscilla.

Temperance is nice in the lead, where we see her adjusting to the new life. I loved her friendship with Lily. In fact, to me Lily was the highlight of the story. She received strange premonitions and few consider her a witch in the tale. We also get appearances from the famous people during this time, like John Smith and Pocahontas. Cord, Percy, and Nancy were also memorable characters in the supporting role.

At times, the story is so raw and heart-wrenching that it is difficult to digest. What starts as a dream, turns into a nightmare for many as they starve for food.  The author does not shy away from some of the horrors that the inhabitants had to resort to for food and shelter. I feel like I learnt a lot about the timeline after reading the book.

Overall, this was a gripping tale about survival, endurance and faith and I liked it.


During the Blog Tour, we are giving away 5 paperback copies of The Brief and True Report of Temperance Flowerdew! To enter, please use the Gleam form below.

The giveaway is open to US residents only and ends on October 9th. You must be 18 or older to enter.

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Temperance Flowerdew

Rajiv’s Reviews is thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Temperance Flowerdew by Denise Heinze Blog Tour hosted by HFV book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!

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