The Snow Fox Diaries

The Snow Fox Diaries by Jan Mazzoni

Release: 18 Aug. 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: George Hunt
Source: Random Things Tours
Find it at Amazon UK , Kindle



When passion becomes an obsession, anything can happen…

Chic, intelligent, highly motivated, and unexpectedly unemployed. AND soon to be forty. Not a situation Katie Tremain finds easy to cope with, especially as it gives her time to notice that she and husband Ben seem to get on better together when they’re apart. So when the opportunity to escape the city and work on a dilapidated house on Exmoor comes her way, how can she refuse?

Then, one misty morning, she comes across something so bizarre that she can’t believe her eyes. A fox with fur so white it sparkles, like snow. A very rare albino vixen.

From that moment Katie’s days – and her life – change completely. And as the fate of her faltering marriage becomes entwined with that of the fox, Katie must decide just what she’s prepared to risk to save this beautiful but vulnerable creature.

Her sanity? Her marriage? Even her life?

About the Author:

It was only recently that Jan Mazzoni found that – surprise, surprise – there IS a genre where her writing fits perfectly. It’s eco-fiction. And having been writing fiction that combines her passion for the natural world with a gripping tale for many years, she’s over the moon to find a place where the stories she so loves to tell are completely at home.

 Not that eco-fiction is new. But as concern for the planet and its inhabitants grows, so does the popularity of novels that pick up today’s environmental concerns, toss them into real-life situations with Ordinary People, and then stand back to watch what happens next. In principle eco-fiction is much like any other genre  – historical, thrillers, even romances – in that they all need the protagonist to go through some kind of hellish situation and challenges before reaching the (hopefully) happy ending. Ecofiction just tends to have prettier locations!

It’s her yearning for the wilderness that encouraged Jan to move to a little house hidden in a large, rambling garden on the edge of Exmoor, a windy, bleak but beautiful part of the UK. Here, with husband George and four Romanian rescue dogs, she leads the simple life she’s always wanted to live. In fact, she calls herself a recluse-in-training. As an only child, she long ago grew up living inside the stories in her own head and is quite happy there. She can control that world. And when the ideas that come seem like they’re worth putting down on paper, she retreats to the shed at the top of the garden and taps away at the PC. Sadly the dogs don’t usually go with her. It’s too cold up there.

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The Snow Fox Diaries Review:

This book stands out because of its theme to preserve wildlife habitats, and I admire the author for writing the tale.

The first thing that stood out for me is the beautiful way in which the author describes the wildlife and its importance. As someone who is against mistreating animals for sport, I admired the author for writing a story around this topic. Also, the author freshly writes the story. The author tells parts of it through diary entries of Katie’s experience with the fox.

Kate is also a well-developed character. It was interesting to see how she reacts to situations around the rare fox. Moreover, I also liked how the author balanced the fox plot with Katie’s marital problems with Ben. Ben and Katie share a beautiful relationship (as seen in the flashbacks). It was interesting to see how her obsession with the animals took a toss on her marriage. On a side note, I also liked the subplot around Stefen. Although Stefan’s storyline felt a bit out of context, it made the story more entertaining.

The supporting characters also contribute to the storyline. One of my favorite supporting characters was Andrew because I thought he made the story light. Similarly, I also liked Guy and Kevin as supporting characters. Living in a conservative rural area, you don’t know how they will react to Katie’s obsession over the fox.

However, certain parts felt repetitious, especially about her relationship with Ben. Apart from that, I enjoyed reading this story and loved its theme. Overall, you will enjoy this book if you are an animal or wildlife lover and want to read something different.

Book Tour Schedule

The Snow Fox Diaries

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on The Snow Fox Diaries by Jan Mazzoni Blog Tour hosted by Random Things Tours



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