The Starfolk Arcana

The Starfolk Arcana by Martha Dunlop

Release: September 6, 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: TanLea Books
Source: Random Things Tours
Find it at GoodreadsAmazon, KindleB&N



They’ve spent lifetimes being pulled apart. This time, they’re ready to fight.

After years of hiding her psychic abilities, Beth meets Jonan,the man with the violet eyes. And starts to feel like she belongs for the first time. Jonan has waited lifetimes to be with the woman who haunts his dreams.  Deeply buried memories from before birth drew them together. Now they try to make sense of a soul connection that opens windows into both their histories and their destiny.

But a woman from Jonan’s past starts weaponizing their emotions and stirring up hate, distrust, and a fear of the supernatural.  Beth and Jonan find themselves targeted in a wave of suspicion.

Only they can see what she is doing. But can they hold out against her bombardment and be true to who they really are, or will they allow The Fear to tear them apart?

About the Author:

Martha is a dreamer and lover of stories exploring the paranormal and intuitive senses to know the characters.

She is a tarot card reader and Reiki Master, and loves to chat reading, writing, and all things mystical on social media.  Also posts pictures of her fellow pack-member, Bertie the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

Martha is a fiddle player who fell in love with all kinds of traditional music, but particularly Irish. She is also teaching herself to play the Irish Bouzouki. She played her way through her English degree at York and remembers that time as much for the music as the books.
Martha started her working life in PR because she wanted to write and in the end she left PR because she wanted to write more. But along the way she had the opportunity to work with journalists, hone her writing and editing skills and adapt to the many voices she was asked to use.

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The Starfolk Arcana Review:

I have read my share of fantasy novels, and The Starfolk Arcana stands out as one of my favorites. I loved everything about this story.

Where do I begin? The storyline is gripping, containing tarot cards, mind readers, ghosts, haunted houses, and much more. The author writes the story in such a manner that it is unique, gripping, and easy to follow. There are many memorable moments in the tale, like when Amelia brainwashes Beth and abandons her for hours, or when Beth goes to search for Bill and has to confront Amelia. Moreover, the author introduces the world in a dynamic manner that has ample possibilities for multiple storylines.

The characters are also well-drawn and people who you connect to. I loved Beth and Jonan in the lead and felt they shared sizzling chemistry. Amelia shines in a negative role, and I loved the backstory of how she relates to Jonan. I also loved some of the smaller characters who make a brief appearance like Bill, Roland, and Miranda.

Moreover, the author also put out some unanswered questions that made me eager for the next book. I want to read more about Jonan, Beth, Miranda, and, yes, even Amelia. Furthermore, the story ends in a cliffhanger where one of the characters disappear, and I am already antsy to find out what happens next.

Overall, this was a great start to the series, and I cannot wait for Book 2! I hope the author writes many such novels because this book hooked me in completely.

Book Tour Schedule

The Starfolk Arcana

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on The Starfolk Arcana by Martha Dunlop Blog Tour hosted by Random Things Tours.


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