Drop Dead Gorgeous (Return to Fear Street #3) by R.L. Stine


Drop Dead Gorgeous (Return to Fear Street #3) by R.L. Stine
Release: February 5th 2019
Format: Ebook
Publisher: HarperTeen
Source: Amazon



Drop Dead Gorgeous Synopsis:

Morgan Marks is the new girl—and nobody can stop talking about her. She’s popular, smart, and beautiful. Everyone wants to be her friend. But her past is veiled in mystery, and no one, not even her boyfriend Ben, knows where exactly she came from. But Shadyside Homecoming is just around the corner. And Morgan’s dark secrets are about to be dug up for all the world to see.



Watch my video review of Drop Dead Gorgeous by R.L. Stine!

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWIUhbyJKko[/embedyt]

This book was strange, and weird, and not really that good. As I have mentioned in my previous videos, I am a big fan of the original fear street novels, but this one just did not live up to my expectations.

Firstly, the main characters are very boring with zero personality. All the characters are one dimensional and clichéd. The book drags out more than it has to because of the unnecessary dialogue that keeps repeating. Every other page is about Winks breaking up with Delia, or Julie trying to win over Zane. Or they talk about how mysterious Morgan is.

But, the original fear street novels were also zero in character development and more about the thrills and scares. So, was this book scary to read? Not really. We know who the villain is right from the beginning and how their prey on their victims, so it was not really scary. The pacing is also very slow because there are only certain parts of the book which is scary. Perhaps if I was more attached to the characters, I would have been shocked when some of them are killed. There is also a back story of Morgan’s life which I thought was unnecessary and put in to add more pages.

There are only two parts that I liked about “Drop Dead Gorgeous”. The first part is about the mysterious man with the glass like eyes that keeps showing out of nowhere. I thought he was the most interesting character in the book and he did creep me out. The second thing I liked was the twist in the very end. R.L.Stine always provides a shocking twist in the end of his books and this book also concludes with a good twist that I didn’t see coming at all.

But overall, “Drop Dead Gorgeous” was not good, not bad, but boring and unoriginal and I would give it a rating of 2 out of 5 stars.

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