Inside Voices by Sarah Davis

Inside Voices

Inside Voices by Sarah Davis

Release: May 26th, 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Wendy Lamb Books
Source: Rachel’s Random Resources
Find it at GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, Mybook 



The mind is a strange beast…extraordinary, unpredictable, protective.

Penny Osborn’s mind is no exception. In High School, Penny witnessed a massacre and lost her father to the same killers. She had seen it unfold before it happened, in a premonition, but could not prevent it.

A college research project at the edge of the Arctic is her chance for a new beginning. Struggling with PTSD, Penny’s therapy includes running, dogs, and guitars. Yet her fresh start is plagued by new premonitions, dark and foreboding, that coincides with a rising number of murders in the community. Her visions are vague, offering little to identify the killer.

When confronted with an orphaned polar bear cub, Penny risks everything to save its life. The deepening mystery of the murdered women, coupled with the exhaustive duties of caring for the small cub, draw her closer to her friend, Noah, and further from her sister.

Fearful for the serial killer’s next target, Penny discovers where her physical abilities can help her.

Will letting go of the past lead to healing? And can she stop the murders?

About the Author:

Sarah Davis is many things…wife, mother, veterinarian, writer. An avid reader, she enjoys stories that transport her into new and exciting lands. Having read more books than she could ever count, she has considered writing a novel for ages. It wasn’t until the idea for “Inside Voices” popped into her mind that she finally started pursuing that dream, with much encouragement from her family. Also, she and her incredible husband share their remote home on the prairie with their three extraordinary children and one mostly human Weimaraner.
You can see more of what Dr. Davis is up to at

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Inside Voices Review:

Inside Voices is a gripping story set in Alaska, animal life, and coping with loss.

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The first thing that stood out for me in this novel was the author’s style at writing the tale. From the details of marine life, animals, veterinary surgeries to serial killers, visions, and telepathy, a LOT happens in the story. Hence, I never felt like there is a dull moment. As the story progresses, you see Penny going through various emotions. There are quite a few twists and turns, especially towards the end, which you do not expect. On a side note, I loved the imagery of the Alaskan wildlife the author describes.

The characters are also well-written. I liked Penny in the lead. I also enjoyed her relationship with Lucy. Lucy is a fascinating character who is mysterious. Additionally, it is impressive how Penny drowns herself in various activities to overcome her sorrow (like taking self-defense and wrestling).

Moreover, I loved her relationship with Noah. They share many magical moments, like how they go camping and reminisce about their past to come together, or when they rescue and take care of Fjord. Speaking of Fjord, I loved him and thought he was so adorable.

However, it took time for me to adjust to the story initially. The author introduces many characters like Bill, Rita, Army, Noah, and Liam (not to mention the pets/animals have their names). Furthermore, the pacing slowed in the middle of the story, where nothing much happens in character development, but picks up again towards the end.

Overall, this was an intriguing tale that covered a lot of topics and worth reading.


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Book Tour Schedule

Inside Voices

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Inside Voices by Sarah Davis Blog Tour hosted by Rachel’s Random Resources. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!


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