Blind Pool

Blind Pool (The Charters’ Mysteries)by Vicki Goldie

Release: October 31, 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Victorina Press
Source: Random Things Tours
Find it at GoodreadsAmazon UK, Amazon, TBD.



Major Alasdair Charters is a blind WW1 veteran and former intelligence officer and his aristocrat wife, The Honourable Melissa. In 1923, they were successful in their last crime investigation adventure. Subsequently, they accept an invitation to a country house party on Somerset Levels in Winter.

There they find a dysfunctional family all living in a huge old house on a hill. Overnight the storm brings with it the floodwaters surround the house. Hence there is problem in rescuing them. Just then, a murderer begins to stalk the residents. As a result, an exciting murder mystery unfolds in the Golden Age tradition. Will our sleuths discover hidden secrets and unmask the murderer before he kills anyone else?

About the Author:

Vicki lives in Poole Dorset with her blind physiotherapist husband. She has a lifelong fascination with the Art Deco period and books of the Golden Age of Crime. This led her to envision a series featuring a blind detective set in the 1920s.

Blind Pool is the second in the series. Before she retired, she worked as a librarian for the RNIB and Bournemouth and Poole Public Libraries. Whilst her children were young, she taught yoga during school hours. She is now busy writing and helping her husband and son in running their Physiotherapy practice. Vickie is a co-pioneer for a reading charity Read Easy Bournemouth and volunteers at The Russell Cotes Museum in Bournemouth.

She is currently writing book three in the series Blind Haven set in Bournemouth.
Also, you can look at her inspiration boards for her novels on Pinterest.
Blind Witness, Blind Pool, and Blind Haven.
Vicki is a member of the Crime Writers Association and the Society of Authors.

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Blind Pool Review:

Blind Pool is a beautiful, classic crime novel, and was very entertaining. 

Before I start, I must mention that Agatha Christie’s novels were one of my favorites series when I was growing up. Reading “Blind Pool” was a terrific tribute for Christie fans, and I enjoyed it!

Although I have not read the first book, this is wonderful as a standalone. Alasdair and Melissa make an excellent pair as they try to find out the mystery of the murders. I loved Alasdair and thought he was unforgettable. Being blind does not stop this debonair veteran turned detective from investigating the case. He steals most of the scenes and shares charming chemistry with Melissa. Both of them complement each other very well. Moreover, there are many suspects as they try to find out who is behind the murders. Initially, the two investigate what happened with Davinia’s grandmother. However, the author makes the story gripping once the murder counts increase. 

Similarly, there are quite a lot of red-herrings in place, which made this very entertaining. Characters who I suspected of false play would get murdered as well, and I had no idea what to expect. Most of the supporting characters like Davinia, Roderick, Charles, Serena, Petunia, and Sheridan play a pivotal role in the plot. Moreover, I also liked the thorough investigation of the duo, from questioning everyone, including the working staff, to cover all ends. 

However, at times, I felt there were too many people on the canvas. While this made for a suspenseful whodunit, perhaps the author could have trimmed the supporting cast. Apart from that, this was a lot of fun! I will surely pick up the first book to read about Alasdair and Melissa’s first case. 

Book Tour Schedule:

Blind Pool

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Blind Pool (The Charters’ Mysteries)by Vicki Goldie Blog Tour hosted by Random Things Tours.


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