The Friendship Lie by Rebecca Donnelly


The Friendship Lie by Rebecca Donnelly
Release: August 1st 2019
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Capstone Books
Source: Netgalley



The Friendship Lie Synopsis:

Cora Davis’s life is garbage. Literally. Her parents study what happens to trash after it is disposed, and Cora knows exactly how it feels. Between her mom and dad separating and a fallout with her best friend, fifth grade for Cora has been a year of feeling like being tossed into the dumpster. But Cora has learned a couple of things from her parents’ trash-tracking studies: Things don’t always go where they’re supposed to, and sometimes the things you thought you got rid of come back. And occasionally, one person’s trash is another’s treasure, which Cora and Sybella learn when they come across a diary detailing best-friendship problems.



A big thank you to NetGalley and Capstone Books for sending me an advanced e-copy of The Friendship Lie” in exchange for my review.

There are a few things about the story that I liked. Firstly, I loved the whole concept of introducing Garbology to the plot. I had never heard of the term before, and it was very interesting to see how people research garbage to study human behavior as a science. I really enjoyed how the author smoothly introduced this in the story-line. The author also makes the concept seem fun to the readers by introducing games like “Trashlympics” and “Capture the Trash”. It really highlights how important recycling is to the environment and for a better future.

In terms of the story, I really liked the main characters. They are all distinct and unique in their own manner which sets them apart. Personally, I liked Kyle the best for his optimism and positivism. However, I really despised the mother for not being there for her children or putting their needs on priority. I also enjoyed the parallel story that takes place between Penny Ellen and Lulu. On a side note, I also love the name Sybella!

I had two minor issues with the book though. The main aspect which I did not like what it was way too slow. Although the plot is interesting, it drags a lot and seems like nothing new happens. Cora keeps moping about missing Sybella again and again. Also, I felt disappointed when the author reveals as to why the two friends separated. The author made a very impressive buildup of the two friends not being friends anymore, but when the reveal happens, it made me feel like the characters over reacted over it.

But, apart from that, this was a very cute story about how strong a friendship can last between two friends. I think younger readers would enjoy reading this one.

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