Feral Snow

Feral Snow by Mark Lowes

Release: October 1st, 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: KDP
Source: Random Things Tours
Find it at GoodreadsAmazon.



Alone and stranded in the Arctic wasteland, would you risk your life to save a stranger or try to get home?

Paul is a father-to-be; traumatized by his past, he’s terrified of becoming a father after his own beat him until he was unilaterally deaf. Then, while working as a freelance cameraman in the Arctic, a blizzard traps him, separates him from his crew, and falls into a chasm. Alone and waiting for death to come, personal demons plague his mind.

When a young native girl falls into the chasm with him, Paul must learn how to accept responsibility and what it takes to give your life for a child.

About the Author:

Mark Lowes is a former teacher, current early childhood educator, and future dad. Also, he lives in Cardiff, Wales, UK, and sometimes laments over his awful football team. While he’s not working with deaf children and their families, he’s writing dark and twisty fiction.

His writing, so he’s told, is a mix between Chuck Palahniuk Josh Malerman and Ernest Hemingway (although Mark retains, all this praise is too much too high). He loves edge-of-your-seat fiction, novels that make you think deeper about the world but will also terrify you and live the world through the protagonist, experiencing every detail. He’s a fan of description, somewhat a lost art nowadays, and has a soft spot for a dark, unreliable narrator.

You can find him on Twitter @StrugglingMJ, where he would be excited to hear your views.

Mark is the winner of Litopia’s Pop-Up Submissions and a pitch contest at the Cardiff Book Festival.

Website | Twitter | Amazon  | Goodreads

Feral Snow Review:

“Feral Snow” is a shocking survival tale that will send shivers up your spine, and I savored each moment! 

I admit. It took me a good few chapters to get into the story. The first few pages are a bit slow as the author sets the tone and introduces the characters. However, the story completely immersed me once we get into Paul’s survival with Nanny. The author fills the tale with action, adventure, thrills, and chills. 

Paul is fantastic in the lead, and I was rooting for him all the way. It was interesting to see how his toxic relationship with his father molded him into the man he is. This story highlights how the fittest survive with limited resources. Moreover, I loved Paul and Nanny together. Nanny and Paul’s camaraderie is another highlight of the story liked the part where they fish together. 

Additionally, the author describes the characters and the setting so beautifully. Whether it be the wilderness or the polar animals, the author wrote each sentence with a personal touch. Some of the intense scenes that stood out were when Paul fights the Polar Bear, and Paul and Nanny plummet to the iceberg. Similarly, I enjoyed the way the author describes the Arctic. He describes the environment in a raw, haunting, yet peaceful manner. Am I the only one who still wants to visit a place like “Alert” after reading this?

Overall “Feral Snow” is a gripping novel to read, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I recommend it to anyone in the mood for a survival tale set in the Arctic. I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book, which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

Book Tour Schedule

Feral Snow

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on Feral Snow Blog Tour hosted by Random Things Tours.


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