The One You Cannot Have by Preeti Shenoy


The One You Cannot Have by Preeti Shenoy
Release: November 2013
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Westland
Source: Amazon



The One You Cannot Have Synopsis:

How long does it take to heal a broken heart? Can you ever forget that one perfect relationship you had? Anjali knows who she wants, she wants Aman. Aman too knows who he wants, he wants Shruti. Shruti and Aman were once inseparable. Theirs was a love that would last forever and more. Then, out of the blue, Shruti left Aman. A devastated Aman moved abroad in the hope of forgetting Shruti and to heal. Shruti married Rishabh. Now Aman is back in India and looking for a fresh start. But he is still haunted by memories of his love. Can he ever break free from it? His head tells him to move on, to find love with Anjali, but his heart wont listen. No matter what he does, Shrutis shadow looms large. Can there be a happily-ever-after for any of them? A straight-from-the-heart modern-day romance of unrequited love, of complicated relationships and about moving on when you realise that there will always be the one you cannot have.



Watch my video review of The One You Cannot Have by Preeti Shenoy!


This book was not as good as “The Secret Wish List” or “A hundred little flames”. However, it was not as bad as “The Rule Breakers”. There were a few interesting things about the story like how the author shows how tough it is to make decisions. Moreover, I also liked the love triangle that was happening. But, I still could not care much for the characters individually. Also, the author tends to be very repetitive with the character’s dialogues. Overall, this was an average read. 

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