The Waltz of Devil's Creek

The Waltz of Devil’s Creek by Justine Carver

Release: October 11, 2020
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Independently published
Source: HFVirtual Book Tours
Find it at GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, B& N, Kobo.



Judith Campbell is dying. And she cannot take the painful truth about where her son came from to the grave with her. While on her deathbed in Atlanta, Georgia, in 1994, Judith tells him the tragic story of his conception. She does not know which of two men his birth father could be. Was he the young man who professed his love to her or the pastor who assaulted her.

Set in the Deep South in 1947, The Waltz of Devil’s Creek digs into the dark crevices of racism and women’s rights during an era of segregation. Combined with Judith’s lack of social stature and when reporting the sexual assault was unheard of, every injustice is stacked against her from the very beginning.

But there is a light in Judith’s young life. Her best friend is Joseph Bird, who has loved her since childhood. Joseph stands up for Judith when no one else will and proves that light is always burning even in the darkest times.

“The Waltz of Devil’s Creek is a poignant and memorable tale that outshines the standard conventions of its genre.” – The Booklife Prize.

About the Author:

Justine Carver was born and raised in the Southern United States on a heavy dose of creek-wading, lightning-bug-catching, and Saturday morning cartoons. Also, she is a full-time writer, all-the-time reader. And now and then, she pulls her head out of the clouds long enough to remember how much better it is up there.

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The Waltz of Devil’s Creek Review:

I loved “The Waltz of Devil’s Creek” so much! All the adjectives I know would not signify the love I have for this story. It is probably one of the top 5 books I have read this year.

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You know that feeling you get as soon as you finish a story, where you felt like you experienced something extraordinary? I felt that way after reading “The Waltz of Devil’s Creek.”

Firstly, let’s start with the characters. Judith and Joseph were the stars of the show and just warmed my heart. The way their author writes about their friendship and how they become so important in each other’s lives was just beautiful! I laughed at some of their conversations, and I cried at times too. The way Joseph protects her through the horrible times was excellent.

Moreover, the author also talks about racial injustice, brutally, and realistically. The scenes of the KKK and what Pastor Allen does was so tragic to read. My heart went out to Judith and her father when they are subject to the way people treat them. I also loved the surprising twist in the end that somewhat made the story come full circle. Similarly, I loved the author’s simplistic style of writing and have now become her fan! She writes the story in such a delightful manner that you feel like the characters are your close friends. I would love to pick up her future works to read such stories that capture your heart.

Overall, this was a truly remarkable book, and I would give it 10/5 stars if that were possible! If you love historical drama and romance, you have to pick up this book!


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Book Tour Schedule:

The Waltz of Devil's Creek

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on The Waltz of Devil’s Creek by Justine Carver Blog Tour hosted by HFVirtual Book Tours. Check out my post, and make sure to enter the giveaway!

One Comment

  1. Thank you so much for your incredible review, Rajiv! I am thrilled that you loved The Waltz of Devil’s Creek! We appreciate the blog tour support 🙂

    HF Virtual Book Tours

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