Frank Penny and the Last Black Stag

Frank Penny and the Last Black Stag

Frank Penny and the Last Black Stag by Jeremy Elson

Release: November 30th, 2020
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Eyrie Press
Source: Rachel’s Random Resources
Find it at GoodreadsAmazon UK, Amazon US.



Power is not for the weak or faint-hearted.

If Frank, Cas, Gabby, and Anya want to find the next two guardians of the Simbrian and keep them safe, they need to journey across the dangerous borderlands and into the dark and shadowy world of Kzarlac, sworn enemy of Byeland.

Ruled by the fearsome Etamin Dahke, Kzarlac is no place for four naïve teenagers. Keen wits and a large helping of luck are no guarantee they will succeed and return safely.

Driven by their desire to protect the delicate peace that has existed since the time of Kester, their quest is about to take a deadly turn, and the exposure of an inconceivable secret may make Frank regret ever having started.

About the Author:

Jeremy Elson is the author of the Frank Penny series of adventure books for young adults.
Jeremy is a home educating parent himself, and Frank Penny was borne out of his desire to bring to life a home-educated child and tell a straightforward and compelling adventure story.

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Frank Penny and the Last Black Stag Review:

“Frank Penny and the Last Black Stag” is the third one in the Frank Penny series, and it does not disappoint! While you can read this as a standalone, I would recommend reading the previous two books first. I read the first two books before reading this. I thoroughly enjoyed it because of the characters’ history and all the adventures they face before this.

Each new book in the series gets more complicated along the way. When I read “The Kzarlac Spy,” I thought it was better than the “Mystery of Ludlow Hums.”

This book is better than the previous two because it takes a darker turn. My favorite four, Frank, Cas, Gabby, and Anya, are back as they continue their quest! Danger lurks in the corner, and the group discovers more secrets as they search for the next two guardians. Moreover, the author keeps the pacing consistent as the group constantly find themselves in challenging situations. There is never a dull moment in the story. Furthermore, the story ends in a cliffhanger that makes you anticipate the next book, “Frank Penny and the well of darkness.”

Initially, I thought this would be a trilogy and that the author would conclude the storyline. But it will be fun to see how the story continues. Overall, this was a lovely addition to the series. I recommend it to anyone who wants to read an MG/YA fantasy adventure.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book, which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

Book Tour Schedule

Frank Penny and the Last Black Stag

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on Frank Penny and the Last Black Stag by Jeremy Elson Blog Tour hosted by Rachel’s Random Resources.

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