She Sees Ghosts

She Sees Ghosts by David Fitz-Gerald

Release: October 29th, 2020
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Outskirts Press, Inc.
Source: HF Virtual Book Tours
Find it at GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, B&N



A blazing fire killed her family and devoured her home. A vengeful demon-haunted her. Ghosts of the Revolutionary War needed help that only she could provide. A young woman languished, desperate to survive, and teetered on the edge of sanity.

Mehitable grew up in a freshly tamed town, carved from the primeval forest. Family, friends, and working at the mercantile filled her days and warmed her heart. For Mehitable, life was simple and safe, until tragedy struck. When her family perished in their burning home, she retreated into a world of her own making.

As a young girl, she had seen glimmers, glimpses, and flickers of the spirit world. She closed her eyes. And she turned her back. Mehitable ignored the apparitions that she never spoke of, desperately hoping they would leave her in peace. Altogether she was mistaken.

While, grief-stricken, Mehitable withdrew from the human world. Ghosts were everywhere. They became bolder. She could no longer turn her back on the spirit world. Her friends feared for her survival. Besides, nobody understood her. She would have to find her own way.

Fans of TV’s Ghost Whisperer and Long Island Medium will especially love She Sees Ghosts. This historical novel features memorable characters and delivers bone-tingling, spine chilling goosebumps. It stands on its own and it is the next installment in the Adirondack Spirit Series by the award-winning author of Wanders Far―An Unlikely Hero’s Journey. David Fitz-Gerald delivers a historical novel with a bittersweet ending that you won’t see coming.

Would she save the spirits’ souls, or would they save her? Only time would tell.

About the Author:

David Fitz-Gerald writes fiction that is grounded in history and soars with the spirits. If you’re looking for the atheist activist author by the same name, keep looking—this book is definitely not for you! After a chaotic day as a business person, Dave enjoys getting lost in the settings he imagines and spending time with the characters he creates. Writing historical fiction is like making paintings of the past.

He loves to weave fact and fiction together, stirring in action, adventure, romance, and a heavy dose of the supernatural with the hope of transporting the reader to another time and place. Also, he is an Adirondack 46-er, which means that he has hiked all of the highest peaks in New York State, so it should not be surprised when Dave attempts to glorify hikers as swashbuckling superheroes in his writing. She Sees Ghosts-A Story of a Woman Who Rescues Lost Souls is the next installment in the Adirondack Spirit Series.

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She Sees Ghosts Review:

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Firstly, I loved how the author incorporated history with fiction. I always love stories where I feel I have learned something new. In this instance, the stories that John relates to the family about General Amherst and Fort Ticonderoga was just fascinating. It made me research more on the topics after I finished the book.

Similarly, the author also writes the characters nicely. I liked Mehitable as the lead. The scenes where she realizes what happened to her family were gripping. I also loved the camaraderie between Mehitable, Polly, and Reuben. The author makes Mehitable realistic where she sees the two and wonders how her life would have taken a turn if she was with Reuben instead. Another person that fascinated me was Destiny. Even though he appears only in the latter half of the story, he had an emotional impact on me through his wisdom.

Moreover, the author takes us on a journey with this group to experience what it is like to live during the Revolutionary War era. Apart from the supernatural element of Mehitable’s powers, the author makes the story down to earth and realistic. He writes the landscape naturally where you feel like you are living the adventure with the characters.

Probably my only minor criticisms of the story are how the pacing rushed at times. In the beginning, the story progressed nicely. However, in the middle, once the three settle down, the story sped through at times. The timeline skipped a few years between paragraphs and changed the tone of the story. 

Apart from that, this was a gripping novel. I highly recommend it if you are in the mood for pleasant historical fiction with a supernatural touch.


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Book Tour Schedule:

She Sees Ghosts

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on She Sees Ghosts by David Fitz-Gerald Blog Tour hosted by HF Virtual Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!



One Comment

  1. Thank you, Rajiv for your wonderful review and your excellent feedback. I appreciate you featuring She Sees Ghosts on your blog… and thanks for the great bookstagram treatment too.

    All the best,

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