A Dragonbird in the Fern by Laura Rueckert

A Dragonbird in the Fern by Laura Rueckert

Release:August 3rd 2021 
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Flux
Source: TBR and Beyond Book Tours
Find it at: Goodreads , Amazon , Barnes & Noble , Book Depository , IndieBound



When an assassin kills Princess Jiara’s older sister Scilla, her vengeful ghost is doomed to walk their city of glittering canals, tormenting loved ones until the murderer is brought to justice. While the entire kingdom mourns, Scilla’s betrothed arrives and requests that seventeen year old Jiara take her sister’s place as his bride to confirm the alliance between their countries.

Marrying the young king intended for her sister and traveling to his distant home is distressing enough, but with dyslexia and years of scholarly struggles, Jiara abandoned any hope of learning other languages long ago. She’s terrified of life in a foreign land where she’ll be unable to communicate.

Then Jiara discovers evidence that her sister’s assassin comes from the king’s own country. If she marries the king, Jiara can hunt the murderer and release her family from Scilla’s ghost, whose thirst for blood mounts every day. To save her family, Jiara must find her sister’s killer . . . before he murders her too.

About the Author:

Laura Rueckert is a card-carrying bookworm who manages projects by day. However At night, fueled by European chocolate, she transforms into a writer of young adult science fiction and fantasy novels. Laura grew up in Michigan, USA, but a whirlwind romance after college brought her to Europe. Today, she lives in Germany with her husband, two kids, and one fluffy dog.

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A Dragonbird in the Fern Review:

“A Dragonbird in the Fern” is a fun young adult fantasy, with a touch of murder mystery, with vengeful ghosts, and it was exciting!

Jiara is the main reason why I loved the book. She brings the tale to life as she adjusts to her new life with Raffar and investigates Csilla’s murder. She also stands out because she displays signs of Dyslexia as she tries to learn the language and adapt to the culture. I adored her relationship with Raffar. It was lovely to see how they interacted irrespective of know verbally communicating, without the translater. Moreover, I thought the author wrote her scenes with Csilla very nicely, where initially I didn’t know if Csilla came as a ghost or if they were memories. I also adored the scenes where Jiara studies the place and the people with Freyad.

The author also wrote the world-building nicely. I was fascinated with the concept of the Watchers the political unrest when Jiara moves to Farnskag. There are some memorable moments, like when the bird attacks Jiara or interacts with the dolphins. The author paces the story well, which leads to an exciting climax.

However, I felt that the supporting characters could be more assertive. Raffar was predictable and did not bring much to the story. Moreover, the way the author reveals who betrayed Jiara was predictable. Nevertheless, the story was still entertaining to read, and I thought the author did an excellent job for a debut novel!

Overall, “A Dragonbird in the Fern” is an intriguing young adult fantasy debut by the author and worth picking up.


I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on  A Dragonbird in the Fern by Laura Rueckert Blog Tour hosted by TBR and Beyond Book Tours

Book Tour Schedule

July 19th
We Write at Dawn – Review & Favourite Quotes
Phannie the ginger bookworm – Review & Playlist
laura’s bookish corner – Review & Top 5 Reasons to Read A Dragonbird in the Fern

July 20th
AndOnSheReads – Interview
Vivaciously Vintage – Review & Favourite Quotes
Allisa White’s Book Blog – Review

July 21st
GivernyReads – Review & Top 5 Reasons to Read A Dragonbird in the Ferm
Books Over Everything – Review
Book Briefs – Review

July 22nd
HerBookishObsession – Interview
The Book Dutchesses – Review
Pages & Plots – Promo Post
Thindbooks – Review

July 23rd
Rajiv’s Reviews – Review
perusewithcoffee – 15 Reactions While Reading a Dragonbird in the Ferm
I Dream in Books – Review, Playlist & Favourite Quotes

July 24th
Rania’s Rambling Reads – Interview
Nine Bookish Lives – Review
A Part of Your Book World – Review & Top 5 Reasons to Read A Dragonbird in the Fern

July 25th
Stuck in Fiction – Top 5 Reasons to Read A Dragonbird in the Fern
The Nutty Bookworm Reads Alot – Review
One More Chapter – Review

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