A History of the Goddess: From the Ice Age to the Bible

A History of the Goddess: From the Ice Age to the Bible by Edward Dodge

Release: April 22nd 2021 
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Keneh Press
Source: Pumpup your Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, KindleB&N



Before the rise of monotheism, the early Hebrews were pagan and God had a wife, the Mother Goddess. The Bible tells the story of their divorce. Goddess worship promoted equality for women, social justice, spiritual connection to nature and the cycles of life, cannabis, sexual freedom, celebrated transgenders, and practiced abortions. When the Goddess was thrown out of the Hebrew temple by the monotheists, so too were all of these deeply ancient traditions. Many familiar Bible stories and characters are reinterpreted by showing where the Goddess appears and the Bible is reframed by comparing it to the mythologies of neighboring cultures.

About the Author:

Edward Dodge is a technology consultant and writer from Washington D.C. with degrees from Cornell University. He is a lifelong Green and an expert on renewable energy. As a hobby he has studied the history of cannabis which provided the origins of this book.

Edward Dodge is a clean energy developer and writer from Washington D.C. with degrees from Cornell University. He studied the history of cannabis which provided the origins of this book.

You can visit his website at www.historyofthegoddess.com and his blog at  https://edwarddodge.substack.com.

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A History of the Goddess: From the Ice Age to the Bible Review:

“A History of the Goddess” is a fascinating collection of events from the Ice Age to the Bible, and I got immersed in it.

Firstly we need to take a moment to appreciate the level of research the author has taken to research and compile all the information. I enjoyed how the author chronologically depicted the events. We see how religion formed post the Ice Age leading to Sumerians with so many details moving to Jesus as the Messiah.

Another exciting aspect is how the author takes a little from each religion and connects them all seamlessly. For instance, the author takes Devi Goddess from Hinduism and compares it to cannabis in Hebrew. Similarly, the author takes various civilizations and mythologies like Greek and Egypt and connects them beautifully. As a fan of Egyptian and Greek cultures, I enjoyed revisiting Isis, Homer, and the Trojan War. I also learned about the Phoenicians and the Assyrians, and some of the tales were eye-openers. This aspect included various Bible tales like the treatment of Miriam and how the writing of the Bible materialized.

The author also makes the book stand out with fantastic pictures to compliment it. I loved seeing all the various Gods of the Sumerian culture. I learned so many things from reading this book, like how the Sumerians invented the first writing. Frankly, I enjoyed the entire Sumerian era and how they dealt with religion, culture, worship, and the various Gods. Other memorable moments were reading of Inanna’s descent to the underworld or learning Prophet Jeremiah and Ephesus.

Overall, “A History of the Goddess” is a great book to pick up if you are a history buff and love reading about civilizations and religion.

Book Tour Schedule

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on A History of the Goddess: From the Ice Age to the Bible by Edward DodgeBlog Tour hosted by Pumpup your Book Tours.

Monday, September 13 PUYB Virtual Book Club: Pump Up Your Book Virtual Book Tour Kick Off :A History of the Goddess by Edward Dodge
Tuesday, September 14 A Bookish Chat with ‘A History of the Goddess’ Author Edward Dodge – The Writer’s Life eMagazine
Wednesday, September 15A History of the Goddess by Edward Dodge – B for Bookreview 
Monday, September 20 Book Review at Rajiv’s Reviews
Friday, September 24 Book Feature Highlight at I’m All About Books
Monday, September 27Guest Blogging at Blogging Authors
Thursday, September 30Guest Blogging at The Story Behind the Book
Monday, October 4 Guest Blogging at Dear Reader, Love Author
Wednesday, October 6Book Feature Highlight at As the Page Turns
Monday, October 11 Book Feature Highlight at Jazzy Book Reviews
Tuesday, October 12Book Review at The Faerie Review
Wednesday, October 13 Book Review at Literarily Speaking

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