A Lifetime Ago (Hudson Bell Book 1) by Jim Ody

Release: March 13th 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Question Mark Press
Source: Zooloo Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle



This is a tale about how the events of one day have such catastrophic consequences on the future.

Hudson Bell is a consultant for the police. A former DI, he spends his days helping to find missing children.

May and her son go on a road trip to celebrate his birthday; Robert and Nadia buy their dream house by the sea.

But as each look to enjoy a new life, none of them can shake off what happened on that fateful day. One of them blames the others and will stop at nothing to seek revenge.

One accident and five lives changed forever.

About the Author:

Jim writes dark psychological/thrillers, Horror and YA books that have endings you won’t see coming, and favours stories packed with wit.  Also, he has written over a dozen novels and many more short-stories spanning many genres.

Besides, Jim has a very strange sense of humour and is often considered a little odd. When not writing he loves playing the drums, watching football and eating chocolate. He lives with his long-suffering wife, three beautiful children and two indignant cats in Swindon, Wiltshire UK.

You can connect with him on FacebookTwitter or Instagram.

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A Lifetime Ago Review:

“A Lifetime Ago ” is an exciting crime fiction novel surrounding the disappearance of a child and was an entertaining read.

The highlight of the story was the two main characters, Hudson and May. I was rooting for Hudson as he tried his best to save some of the children. The author nicely added different layers to him where he looks after others but also needs self-help. The author also adds details like Sophie’s son Darren, and I was interested in seeing how Hudson would handle the case. I also adored Jez as Hudson’s friend, who also adds humor to the story.

However, more than Hudson, May intrigued me, and I found her to be mysterious. I was hooked on the scenes when she goes with her son Luke and meets Grey. You don’t know what she is planning, which adds a sense of suspense to the storyline.

The author tells the story in a dynamic manner where he toggles the perspective between Hudson and May. I liked this storytelling style because you got to see the events of the crime from different perspectives. The author then adds complexity by telling us the story with Robert’s side with Nadia and Jacob. I was wondering how everything would connect in the end.

However, the only minor issue I had with the story was the lack of action from Hudson’s storyline. I would have liked it if more action and chases revolved around him to make the story thrilling. There were some exciting moments, like when he faints in front of Laura or conducts his investigation with interviews. But I would have liked it if there was more.

Apart from that, I found “A Lifetime Ago ” to be a suspenseful slow-burn psychological crime fiction thriller.


Book Tour Schedule

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on  A Lifetime Ago (Hudson Bell Book 1) by Jim Ody Blog Tour hosted by Zooloo Book Tours



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