A Love Redeemed by Lisa Jordan

A Love Redeemed by Lisa Jordan

Release: August 25, 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Love Inspired
Source: JustRead Publicity Tours
Find it at: Amazon, Kindle, B&N,Kobo



Just-for-now could become forever…

They agreed to help each other out.
No one mentioned falling in love.

Back home after losing her job, Isabella Bradley plans to stay only long enough to save her father’s diner, but she can’t do it alone. Then, her childhood friend Tucker Holland has the perfect solution—he will renovate the diner if she’ll be a nanny for his twins. But as Isabella and Tucker reconnect, their arrangement begins to feel a lot less temporary…

About the Author:

Heart, home and faith have always been important to Lisa Jordan, so writing stories with those elements come naturally. Happily married for over 30 years to her real-life hero, she and her husband have two grown sons. Lisa enjoys family time, good books, and creative time with friends. To learn more about her writing, visit www.lisajordanbooks.com.   –This text refers to the mass_market edition.

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A Love Redeemed Review:

This is an endearing story that tells you to keep faith. Even if you feel like you have lost all hope, God will find a way to make things right again.

To begin with, the author also described the characters in a charming manner. Tucker and Isabella are both grieving for their own reasons in different manner.s Although Isabella is a strong character who tries new things professionally, she is scared to open her heart. However, Tucker and Isabella share a wonderful chemistry. I love their scenes together, from having dinner (with the Hero Basket) to how she spends time with the children. Moreover, the children, Landon and Olivia, are adorable. I loved the manner Isabella bonds with them. It was so cute the way she deals with them and solves their problems. Similarly, the supporting characters, like their friends and family, also add so well to the mix.

But the story is not just a simple love story of two people getting together. It is also a story about how they deal with various relationships and keep faith for things to work out. For example, I loved the scene where Isabella reminisces about her mother and sets a plan to communicate with her. Also, there are some pleasant twists and turns that I did not foresee. For instance, I never expected Justin to make a sudden appearance and shake things. Another reason why I enjoyed reading this was because there are no villains per se. Its just a sweet tale about two people trying to overcome their grief and take the next step. Overall, this was a short and sweet romance which I liked reading.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.


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Book Tour Schedule

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the A Love Redeemed by Lisa Jordan Blog Tour hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!



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