A song of isolation

A Song of Isolation by Michael J. Malone

Release: 17 SEPTEMBER 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Orenda Books
Source: Orenda Books
Find it at:Amazon UK, KindleB&NKoboTBD



Film star Amelie Hart is the darling of the silver screen, appearing on the front pages of every newspaper. But at the peak of her
fame she throws it all away for a regular guy with an ordinary job.
The gossip columns are aghast: what happened to the woman who turned heads wherever she went?
Any hope the furore will die down are crushed when Amelie’s  boyfriend Dave is under arrest on charges of child sexual abuse. Dave strongly asserts his innocence, and when Amelie refuses
to denounce him, the press furore quickly turns into physical violence, and she has to flee the country.

While Dave is in prison with the most depraved men in the country and Amelie is hiding on the continent, Damaris, the victim at the centre of the story, remains isolated – a child trying to make
sense of an adult world…
Breathtakingly brutal, dark and immensely moving, A Song of Isolation looks beneath the magpie glimmer of celebrity to uncover a sinister world dominated by greed and lies, and the
unfathomable destruction of innocent lives… in an instant.

About the Author:

Michael Malone is a prize-winning poet and author who was born and
brought up in the heart of Burns’ country. He has published over 200
poems in literary magazines throughout the UK, including New Writing
Scotland, Poetry Scotland and Markings. Blood Tears, his bestselling debut
novel won the Pitlochry Prize from the Scottish Association of Writers. His psychological thriller, A Suitable Lie, was a number-one bestseller, and the critically acclaimed House of Spines, After He Died and In the Absence of Miracles soon followed suit. A former Regional Sales Manager (Faber & Faber) he has also worked as an IFA and a bookseller. Michael lives in Ayr.


A Song of Isolation Review:

This book turned out to be a twisted, suspenseful thriller and I couldn’t put it down.

The author knows how to make the plot atmospheric and creepy. The way he tells the story is so realistic that you really feel disturbed and wonder if such things happen in reality. Its no surprise that some people manipulate and use other’s grief to their own advantage. Moreover, the story sadly highlights the harsh reality of how someone’s name and reputation can be easily tarnished by society and how justice is not always a fair process. I was at the edge as the events progressed and the various conspiracies taking place. Also, what I enjoyed about the story is the determination of the characters. As much as you hate some of the characters, the author balances them in such a way that, as a reader, you feel hopeful for a better outcome.

Similarly, the author also writes the characters in a gripping manner where you immediately form a strong opinion of them. I loved Dave and thought he had the perfect role in the story. My heart just went to him for all the torture he has to endure. I also liked Amelie and the secondary life she had to lead in France due to the situation. I know Damaris is a complex character, but I just disliked her throughout. The author wrote the negative characters in such a manner that you can’t wait to see how they fall. At the same time, the plot is surprisingly complex and doesn’t focus on just one story-line. Hence, it was fun to see how they all connect towards the climax.

Overall, this was a very gripping read, and I am keen to read some of the author’s earlier novels.

Book Tour Schedule

A song of isolation

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the A Song of Isolation by Michael J. Malone Blog Tour hosted by Orenda Books.

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