All the Tommys in the World by Javier Gombinsky

All the Tommys in the World

All the Tommys in the World by Javier Gombinsky

Release:August 17th 2021 
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Pigfarm Press
Source: Netgalley
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, B&N



They know something we don’t.

For horror Youtubers Lilith and Nate, zombie movies are escapist fantasies. So a real zombie uprising in the streets of New Southport is quickly thwarted. And they know those familiar-looking ghouls are hiding something. They should know. Lilith birth was with a weak heart in the funeral town of Leatelranch, built around the largest cemetery in the world. Lilith’s parents raised her with zombie stories to keep her from learning the truth about what happens inside the cemetery walls.

As for Nathan, the caretaker’s son… he has his reasons to be so cowardly. So they get outsmarted by seemingly droning ghouls and are forced to split up. Now  the uncanny coincidences are undeniable. And as things start to look more and more like Lilith’s apocalyptic visions, and  a darker threat lurks, . Now it’ll be up to them to piece the puzzle before everyone they love faces a fate worse than becoming a zombie.
Can you stop them? Are they just playing dead? Do they have a plan?
They know something we don’t. And whatever it is, they hate us for it.

About the Author:

Javier Gombinsky was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in the neighborhood of Chacarita, the real-life inspiration for the town of Leatelranch in his novel All the Tommys in the World. His love of horror started with Argentinian children’s books by Elsa Bornemann. Then came The Twilight Zone, Tales from the Crypt, Freddy Krueger, and finally zombies with the greatest zombie movie ever made: Return of the Living Dead. Since then, he’s been consuming all things horror and zombies, and keeping a list in the back of his mind about all the things he wanted to happen, but didn’t. He’s now in the business of turning that into books.

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All the Tommys in the World Review:

I felt “All the Tommys in the World” had the potential to be excellent. The story is about the invasion of zombies, which is always my guilty pleasure. Moreover, I love the cover as it gives the story a nice touch.

Firstly, a lot happens in the story, where you never feel a dull moment. The author also does a beautiful job of adding intense moments like when the team fights a human centipede or when Lester and Yoshi fight the scorpion monster. I also loved the scenes where Lilith gets trapped in the cemetery. The story also contains a lot of shocking moments that stand apart on their own. Moreover, the characters are also unique and dynamic where you don’t know what some of their intentions are. For instance, Renwick and Ophelia unnerved me, and I loved Ron, Lester, and Yoshi fighting the monsters. Lilith is dynamic as well, and they all create a lovely canvas of characters.

However, I had trouble with the pacing. There are times where I felt the story jumped between the chapters, and I thought I had missed reading something in between. Moreover, there were too many things happening one after the other, which did not transition well, that I felt as though we read several versions of the same tale. I think the book would have been terrific had it been edited nicely. We also get instances when the story flashbacks between the past and the present, and some chapters where you think a character is dead, but they are alive.

Overall, “All the Tommys in the World” is still a nice story to read if you are in the mood for some zombie action.

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