America by Mike Bond

America by Mike Bond

Release: May 4th, 2021
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Mike Bond Books
Source: jeanbooknerd Tours
Find it at GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, B&N



  • The Sixties shook America to its foundation. It was the assassination of an idealistic young president. There was a tragic and unpopular war. Besides, there was a battle for civil rights, a cosmic clash of riots, and burning cities. And an explosion of sex, drugs, and rock roll.

But for four young people, the Sixties is a decade of promise and freedom. For orphaned Troy, it’s the joy of living with his new family and exploring the world of flight and outer space. While, for Tara, the girl he loves, the power of song as she evolves into a rock roll star. For his new brother, Mick, a football hero and rebel, a time to question everything, including the fast-growing war in Vietnam. And for Daisy, the girl Mick loves, a chance to fight for equality, join the Peace Corps and expand her study of the human mind.

America is the first of Mike Bond’s seven-volume historical novel series. It captures the victories and heartbreaks of the last 70 years and our nation’s most profound upheavals since the Civil War. This was a time that defined the end of the 20th Century and where we are today.

Through the wild, joyous, heartbroken, and visionary lives of four young people and many others, we see the Sixties alive again, as do its questions.  But, what is life?  And What is freedom? And, what was lost, what was won?

About the Author:

MIKE BOND has been called the “master of the existential thriller” by the BBC and “one of the 21st century’s most exciting authors” by the Washington Times. He is a bestselling novelist, environmental activist, international energy expert, war and human rights correspondent, and award-winning poet who has lived and worked in many remote and dangerous parts of the world. Also, his critically acclaimed novels depict the innate hunger of the human heart for what is good, the intense joys of love, the terror and fury of battle, the sinister vagaries of international politics and multinational corporations, and the beauty of the vanishing natural world.

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America Review:

“America” is a powerful historical fiction that deals with the coming of age of various characters during the 60s, and I enjoyed reading it!

The book completely surprised me. In the beginning, I thought it would be the dramatic lives of Mick, Troy and Tara, and how the family adjusts to adopting Troy. But the story had so much more!

Moreover, the author wrote the characters in a beautiful, profound manner. All the characters have different mindsets, and it was interesting to see how various factors impact their choices. Initially, Troy was my favorite because of the guilt he faces whenever something terrible happens in the family. However, as the story progressed, I found myself connecting more with Mick. Yet, I loved the complex relationship that the three share, particularly Tara and Troy. Another surprising character was Daisy. Initially introduced as a secondary character, I found myself loving Daisy, especially in the second half when she faces challenges when she goes to Mississippi and Africa.

Similarly, the author also depicted the lifestyle of the 50s and 60s realistically. Although it was before my time, I felt the timeline come to life. Furthermore, the author references various significant people and events, from The Vietnam War, Kennedy to Malcolm X. Also, I loved the author’s style of writing and the details he put into the storyline. Moreover, the author beautifully portrays how we live in the free land, yet there are situations that force us to behave or act a certain way, and in the end, we don’t really have complete freedom. The story also ends in a cliffhanger that makes you eagerly anticipate the next book.

Overall, “America” is a compelling start to the series, and I look forward to reading its continuation.


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